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1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ on the Earth
1000 Year Reign of Jesus Christ on the Earth by Dale Sides
Price: $19.99
Author: Dale Sides
Subtitle: Will You Make It or Miss It?
Format: Paperback
Length: 216 Pages
Published: 2006

Stock Status:In Stock

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Jesus Christ is returning soon to reign as King for 1,000 years on Earth. Will you find a place of honor in His kingdom . . . or will you miss it?

What you do today determines the answer to that question.

This life is a qualifying round for the millennial kingdom of Christ. Our Heavenly Father desires to reward those who diligently serve Him and endeavor to build His kingdom instead of their own. Getting saved assures you a place in heaven for eternity; now discover the further requirements to reign with Jesus in His glory for 1,000 years.

Dont miss out!

Table of Contents


Section 1: The Kingdom Explained

Chapter 1: The Two gospels

Chapter 2: The Kingdom Lost

Chapter 3: The Outline of the Ages

Chapter 4: Understanding the End-Time Sequence of Events

Chapter 5: The Sufferings and the Glory of the Lord

Section 2: Understanding our Inheritances

Chapter 6: The Inheritances of Grace and Reward

Chapter 7: The Bride Comes Out of the Body

Chapter 8: Reigning with the Lord

Section 3: Entering the Kingdom

Chapter 9: The Judgment Seat of Christ

Chapter 10: The Out Resurrection

Chapter 11: The Good and Faithful Servant

Chapter 12: Laboring to Enter into the Rest

Chapter 13: Keys to Entering the Kingdom

Section 4: Missing the Kingdom

Chapter 14: Seeing the Kingdom but Not Entering It

Chapter 15: The Outer Darkness

Chapter 16: Gehenna

Chapter 17: The Close of the Kingdom



Appendix A: The Woman Who Hid the Kingdom

Appendix B: The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven

Appendix C: Can You Lose Your Salvation?

Appendix D: Life in the Millennial Kingdom

Appendix E: Rewards in the Kingdom of the Father

Appendix F: The Word Eternal

Appendix G: Matthew 24:14



About the Author

Dale Sides, president of Liberating Ministries for Christ International, is a renowned Bible teacher and prolific author with over 35 years of ministry experience. Dale travels and speaks extensively throughout the United States and abroad. Dr. Sides, his wife Vicki, and their four daughters reside in Bedford, Virginia.