In The 20 Categories of Dreams, you’ll discover the diversity and spiritual significance of the various kinds of dreams God gives. You’ll also learn to recognize the subtle differences between dark dreams, fear dreams and false dreams – all given by the enemy to stop God’s plan for your life.
In this book, you’ll gain greater understanding of the following categories and purposes of dreams:
Dreams to Reach Your Destiny
Dreams to Change Your Path
Dreams for Healing and Transformation
Dreams From the Enemy
Dreams We Cause to Be Dreamed
Dreams to Train You in Spiritual Obedience
Dreams Caused by Changes in Your Body
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Dreams to Reach Your Destiny
Prophetic and Revelatory Dreams
Calling Dreams
Courage Dreams
Direction Dreams
Invention Dreams
Word of Knowledge Dreams
Chapter 2: Dreams to Change Your Path
Correction Dreams
Warning Dreams
Self-Condition Dreams
Chapter 3: Dreams for Healing and Transformation
Healing Dreams
Deliverance Dreams
Flushing Dreams
Chapter 4: Dreams from the Enemy
Dark Dreams
False Dreams
Fear Dreams
Chapter 5: Dreams We Cause to be Dreamed
Soul Dreams
Chapter 6: Dreams to Train You in Spiritual Obedience
Spiritual Warfare Dreams
Intercession Dreams
Chapter 7: Dreams Caused by Changes in Your Body
Chemical Dreams
Body Dreams
Chapter 8: You, Your Soul, and the Dreams You Have
One Last Thought on the Soul
About John Paul Jackson
About the Author:
For more than a quarter of a century, John Paul Jackson helped people discover their spiritual gifts. He directly impacted the lives of millions of people around the world with his best-selling books and audio resources, public speaking engagements, and appearance. He founded Streams Ministries International, a non-profit organization for personal growth and spiritual development.