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A Higher Dimension
A Higher Dimension by Ryan LeStrange
Price: $9.99
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Author: Ryan LeStrange
Subtitle: Enter a World of Prophecy, Miracles, and Glory
Format: Paperback
Length: 67 Pages
Published: 2019

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The Bible tells us to set our affections on things above, not on things on earth (Col 3:2). But what does that really mean? Isn’t it possible to be so heavenly minded that you’re of no earthly good?

Actually, the contrary is true. As Ryan LeStrange shows you, a heavenly minded person is of extreme value on earth. Not only do today’s Christians experience blessing when they seek first the kingdom of God; they also bless others with miracles and words or prophecy. They bring glory to God in everything they do. They operate in a supernatural dimension of revelation and insight.

It doesn’t depend on a time or season. When Jesus died on the cross, you were translated from the realm of darkness to the realm of light. LeStrange encourages you to access the fullness of the power and authority available to you as an ambassador of the kingdom of God.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Dimensions and Realms
Chapter 2: Prophetic Realms
Chapter 3: The Power of Impartation
Chapter 4: Apostles are Unlockers
Chapter 5: The Glory Realm
Chapter 6: The Miracle Realm
Chapter 7: Creating the Atmosphere
Chapter 8: Discovering the Wisdom of God

About the Author:
Ryan LeStrange is an apostolic and prophetic revolutionary laboring to see a global network of ministries known as TRIBE Network and the senior leader of the iHub movement, through which he plants and oversees a network of governing churches, apostolic hubs and revival hubs. He is also cofounder of APB! Books & Resources as well as the author of numerous books, including Supernatural Access and Hell’s Toxic Trio. In addition, Ryan is a real estate investor who is active in the business arena. Ryan and his wife, Joy, have one son, Joshua.