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Aligning With the Apostolic Volume Five
Aligning With the Apostolic Volume Five Edited by Bruce Cook
Price: $19.99
Author: Bruce Cook, General Editor
Subtitle: An Anthology of Apostles, and the Apostolic in the Seven Mountains of Culture
Format: Paperback
Length: 281 Pages
Published: 2013

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Book Five of a five volume anthology of apostleship with 70 contributing authors.

Volume One
Section 1: Introduction and Overview

Volume Two
Section 2: Apostolic Government
Section 3: Apostolic Foundations

Volume Three
Section 4: Apostolic Intercession
Section 5: Apostolic Character and Maturity
Section 6: Apostolic Education

Volume Four
Section 7: Apostolic Fathers and Mothers
Section 8: Apostolic Leadership and Teams
Section 9: Apostolic Creativity and Innovation

Volume Five
Section 10: Apostolic Multiplication and Wealth
Section 11: Apostolic Culture
Section 12: Summary and Conclusion

Table of Contents:

Foreword by Lynn Wilford Scarborough
Foreword by Dr. John Louis Muratori
Section 10: Apostolic Multiplication and Wealth
Chapter 62: Apostolic Advisors – Dr. John Louis Muratori
Chapter 63: Apostolic Multiplication – Jon R. Grieser
Chapter 64: Apostles of the Business as Mission Movement – Thomas Webb and Al Caperna
Chapter 65: Apostolic Alignment for Divine Multiplication – LaRue Adkinson
Chapter 66: Apostles as Co-Creators: Imitating the Works of the Father – Laurie L. Boyd
Chapter 67: Apostolic Acceleration: Charlie Fisher
Chapter 68: Apostolic Entrepreneurship and Prophetic Strategies – Fernando Guillen
Chapter 69: Apostolic Wealth – Dr. Michael Scantlebury
Chapter 70: Kingdom Stewardship – Christopher James
Chapter 71: Four Keys to Creating and Stepping Into Acceleration – Wende Jones
Chapter 72: Ask For and Follow the Ancient Paths – Larry Tyler
Section 11: Apostolic Culture
Chapter 73: Apostolic Wisdom to Redeem the Culture – Dr. Ted Baehr
Chapter 74: The Omnipotent God (and the Impotent Church?) – Dr. Erik A. Kudlis
Chapter 75: Becoming a Voice in the Storm – Mark W. Pfeifer
Chapter 76: Back to the Ministry of Jesus! – Henry Falany
Chapter 77: Healing Rooms Ministries: An apostolic Birthing of a Worldwide Vision – Cal Pierce
Chapter 78: Where in the World is the Church? – Dr. Tony Dale\
Section 12: Summary and Conclusion
Chapter 79: Epilogue – Dr. Bruce Cook

About the General Editor:

Dr. Bruce Cook is a spiritual father and servant-leader, providing alignment, covering and/or counsel to apostolic leaders from every sphere of culture. He has significant experience in financial consulting, fundraising, private equity investments, banking, endowment management, higher education, board governance, technology, philanthropy, publishing, business development, marketing, research, church and marketplace ministry. The apostolic is his passion and raising up, equipping and releasing apostles and other five-fold leaders in the Seven Mountains of Culture is his mission. His board base of knowledge and experience, coupled with his influence and insight, converge in his role as General Editor for this seminal work. He is a bridge builder, connector, convener, network leader and both serial and social entrepreneur.