Book One of a five volume anthology of apostleship with 70 contributing authors.
Volume One Section 1: Introduction and Overview
Volume Two Section 2: Apostolic Government Section 3: Apostolic Foundations
Volume Three Section 4: Apostolic Intercession Section 5: Apostolic Character and Maturity Section 6: Apostolic Education
Volume Four Section 7: Apostolic Fathers and Mothers Section 8: Apostolic Leadership and Teams Section 9: Apostolic Creativity and Innovation
Volume Five Section 10: Apostolic Multiplication and Wealth Section 11: Apostolic Culture Section 12: Summary and Conclusion
Table of Contents:
Research Methodology Foreword by C. Peter Wagner Foreword by Kent Humphreys Preface Glossary Section 1: Introduction and Overview – Dr. Bruce Cook Chapter 1: Coming into Apostolic Alignment Chapter 2: What an Apostle Is and Is Not Chapter 3: Levels of Maturity and Types of Apostles Chapter 4: Apostolic Authority: A Two-Edged Sword Chapter 5: Origins of the Patriarchs and Judaism are Found in the Marketplace Chapter 6: Origins of the Church and Christianity are Found in the Marketplace Chapter 7: Apostolic Reformers in the Marketplace: A call to a Vast Army – Activate, Awaken, Arise, Acclimate, Assemble, Arm, Align, Assign, Accelerate
Dr. Bruce Cook is one of the most brilliant Kingdom-minded men I know. His insights into apostolic alignment are profound and yet foundational. He has truly received “insight from above” that he has so generously shared with us in this work. Thank you for this gift Dr. Bruce Cook! Patricia King, Founder, EPMinistries and EPMedia
Aligning With the Apostolic is an anointed compass that will accurately guide the reader into the apostolic-kingdom movement of our day. Dr. Bruce Cook is to be commended for pioneering this masterpiece, five-volume series that will prepare the church to reclaim the earth for King Jesus. Dr. Cook sounds a clarion call that will spoil you for every day religion and cloak you with a mantle that will empower you to transform the spiritual landscape of your world. This anthology will take you beyond the syndrome of visitations of God so you can become His holy habitation in the present moving of the Spirit. Thank you, Dr. Bruce, for your gracious gift to this generation and generations to come! I highly recommend this life-changing series. Enjoy! Dr. Mark Kauffman, CEO, Kingdom Regency Alliance
Dr. Bruce Cook has done an outstanding job in bringing together notable Apostolic leaders to write related to their areas of expertise. Christians from all stripes and denominations who are curious about the roots, beliefs, activity and trends of the global apostolic movement will benefit from reading this work. I highly recommend it! Dr. Joseph Mattera, Overseeing Bishop of Christ Covenant Coalition and City Action Coalition International
About the General Editor:
Dr. Bruce Cook is a spiritual father and servant-leader, providing alignment, covering and/or counsel to apostolic leaders from every sphere of culture. He has significant experience in financial consulting, fundraising, private equity investments, banking, endowment management, higher education, board governance, technology, philanthropy, publishing, business development, marketing, research, church and marketplace ministry. The apostolic is his passion and raising up, equipping and releasing apostles and other five-fold leaders in the Seven Mountains of Culture is his mission. His board base of knowledge and experience, coupled with his influence and insight, converge in his role as General Editor for this seminal work. He is a bridge builder, connector, convener, network leader and both serial and social entrepreneur.