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Apostolic Expansion
Apostolic Expansion by Alain Caron
Price: $16.99
Author: Alain Caron
Subtitle: The Kingdom War for Territorial Gains
Format: Paperback
Length: 218 Pages
Published: 2019

Stock Status:In Stock

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The kingdom of God is not a utopia. It’s a reality that is part of a territory. It’s a harvest growing in the nations that will cover the whole earth. It’s the fruit of the apostolic expansion that God generates in the face of his enemies.

After the success of his first book, Apostolic Centers, Alain Caron returns with a new guide that goes even further and helps the church to advance with a strategy of conquest that makes darkness tremble.

In Apostolic Expansion: The Kingdom War for Territorial Gains you will find:

The key of the prophetic chamber
The apostolic marching orders
The ekklesia that’s governing the kingdom
The kingdom basis of operations
The strategic plans for the conquest
The victory that releases the provisions
Heaven’s headquarters
The keys of the harvest and of the double portion
The access points of heaven on the earth
The outposts of the heavenly troops
The covenant that gathers the armies
The title deeds of the kingdom
The role of apostolic centers
How to rule from the garden
And so much more . . .

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Chuck D. Pierce
Chapter 1: Deeper – Further
Chapter 2: One House at a Time
Chapter 3: Apostolic Expansion with Paul
Chapter 4: Standing Up for War – Seated to Reign
Chapter 5: Expansion, Harvest, and Rest
Chapter 6: Redemption Linked to Territory
Chapter 7: Anchoring the Invisible in the Visible
Chapter 8: The Covenant that Gathers the Armies
Chapter 9: Angelic Reinforcements
Chapter 10: The Urgency of Territorial Gains

About the Author:
Alain Caron serves as the apostolic team leader of Le Chemin Apostolic Center, a dynamic expression of Christ’s body located in Quebec. He is also the founder and director of Hodos, an apostolic and prophetic network that connects and aligns like-minded ministries and believers toward the advancement of the kingdom of God. Alain and his wife, Marie, reside in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada.