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Atomic Power with God Through Fasting and Prayer
Atomic Power with God Through Fasting and Prayer by Franklin Hall
Price: $9.99
Author: Franklin Hall
Format: Paperback
Length: 98 Pages
Published: 2020

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Atomic Power with God Through Fasting and Prayer, first published in 1946 by Franklin Hall, describes how prayer during extended fasts can heal the body and soul, and bring practitioners greater spiritual power to exalt and glorify Jesus Christ.

Hall explores how fasting intensifies prayer by unifying and filling the spirit with the glory of God. Through the combination of these two acts, he shows how to enhance the spiritual appetites and curtail the hunger, lust, and greed appetites – thereby uncovering the spiritual atomic power with God that lies available to every Christian.

In addition to the why of fasting, this book explains the how. A Complete fast, Hall writes, should last from the time hunger leaves to the time hunger returns – usually 21 to 40 days. Plenty of water is recommended to clean out the stomach and intestines of waste, and when it’s time to break the fast, Hall provides a detailed breakdown of what to eat and when.

Atomic Power brought success and notoriety to Hall, who traveled across the US evangelizing to crowds of up to 5,000. Hall, with his wife, Helen, founded the Hall Deliverance Foundation in the mid-1950s, which spread his enthusiasm for the practice of fasting and prayer.

Table of Contents:
Introduction: Worldwide Revival through Prayer and Fasting
Chapter 1: Atomic Power with God
Chapter 2: What is Fasting?
Chapter 3: The Background for Revival
Chapter 4: Jesus’ Fast
Chapter 5: One Hundred Reasons Why We Should Fast
Chapter 6: The Four Appetites
Chapter 7: The Four Great Essentials
Chapter 8: How to Fast
Chapter 9: Fasting in Relation to the Physical Body
Chapter 10: The Proper Care in Breaking the Fast
Chapter 11: Things Forbidden to Eat
Chapter 12: Results of Fasting and Prayer