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Awed By His Grace
Awed By His Grace by Randy Clark
Price: $7.99
Author: Randy Clark
Subtitle: Out of the Bunkhouse
Format: Paperback
Length: 57 Pages
Published: 2012

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As we consider the word grace found in Scripture, we find two working definitions. One is “divine enablement”, the empowering presence of God allowing us to go well beyond our human limitations as we seek to fulfill His calling in our lives. We see it when Jesus is said to be full of grace and truth in John 1:14. The second is God giving to us what we don’t deserve: forgiveness from our sin, freedom from bondage, as well as granting to us righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. In this booklet, Randy shares with us much of his personal journey, being awed by His grace, and he reinforces our understanding that coming into relationship with God is so much more than just being forgiven. Our prayer is that each of us will learn to grow in showing that same grace to others, that they might experience the Father’s heart through us.

About the Author:

Dr. Randy Clark is the President and Founder of Global Awakening. Established in 1994, Global Awakening is an apostolic ministry that aims to equip the body of Christ through ministry schools, training programs, conferences and international missions trips. Through his ministry, Randy has seen tens of thousands healed and brought to salvation.

In 1994, this unassuming pastor from St. Louis walked into a small storefront church near the Toronto Airport that turned into a worldwide revival known as the Toronto Blessing.

Randy received his M.Div. from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and his D.Min. from United Theological Seminary. Dr. Randy has authored and co-authored numerous books, including There Is More, and The Essential Guide to Healing. Randy has ministered for more than 43 years in 45 countries. He and his wife DeAnne have four grown children and four grandchildren.