At the heart of this devotional is the desire to present the anointed Word as a guide that will lead those who have a singular burning desire to go further . . . “into a kingdom relationship” with Jesus in the outworking of their part of Him in the millennial kingdom.
Our devotional life is extremely important, as it includes not only our times of prayer, meditation in the Word, and communion with the Lord, but through these “set apart times” there is imparted into our being a strength that contains spiritual life and substance.
These devotions are intended to guide you into a higher level of spiritual life and experience. Our Lord is a seeking God who desires quality times of intimate fellowship with us. If the Lord finds within us even the slightest aspiration to truly know Him, He will demonstrate a singular interest toward us, and lift us into the outworking of our part with Him in the millennial kingdom.
This book is intended to be read both prayerfully and devotionally. May you be spiritually edified and receive an impartation of our Lord’s presence and glory.
About the Author:
Wade Taylor served others as a teacher and a spiritual father for over 50 years. He is respected and loved by many for his quality of spirit and for his profound walk with the Lord. He is an anointed author, bringing forth deep truths of the Holy Spirit with a clarity and simplicity that draws the reader into a closer walk with the lord Jesus Christ.