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Blessing Your Spirit
Blessing Your Spirit by Sylvia Gunter and Arthur Burk
Price: $17.99
Author: Sylvia Gunter and Arthur Burk
Subtitle: Blessings of Your Father and The Names of God
Format: Paperback
Length: 172 Pages
Published: 2005

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We must focus on speaking to our spirit and the spirit of others, asking God to bring into our lives a massive amount of challenge, nurture, stimulation and direction for the spirit. A persons spirit should rule the soul, but he doesnt get there automatically or accidentally.

Being filled with the Spirit means that Gods Spirit in you infuses and controls your spirit, soul and body. When you spirit is controlled by His spirit and is dominant over your soul, your whole person is conformed to Gods truth and His intention for you.

Table of Contents

Perspective on the Spirit by Arthur Burk

Introduction and Experience by Sylvia Gunter

Testimonials and Feedback

Blessings of the Father

The Names of God



About the Authors

Sylvia Gunter has devoted 25 years of her life to the message of who God is and who we are in Him. She has written 8 books on prayer. Her ministry, The Fathers Business, covers a broad spectrum of visions. The vision statement is to be in my Fathers house, doing the things of my Father (Luke 2:49). Her heart is for Christians to develop intimacy with their loving father and to know their authority in Christ. Her book Prayer Portions has gone into 135 countries. Sylvia lives in Birmingham, AL with her husband John.

Arthur Burk is the founder of Amethyst Healing Concepts, a division of Sapphire Leadership Group, dedicated to finding resources to heal and nurture the human spirit. He brings together a deep knowledge of the principles of Gods Word coupled with significant experience in deliverance and inner healing. His passion is to help believers know their identity and develop legitimacy. Both identity and legitimacy are functions of the human spirit, not the soul. This book is one of the tools developed by Amethyst Healing to help you grow your spirit, and help you possess your birthright. Arthur lives in Fullerton, CA with his wife Ann.