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Breaker Anointing Revised and Expanded Edition
Breaker Anointing by Barbara Yoder
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $12.74
Savings: $2.25
Author: Barbara Yoder
Subtitle: How God Breaks Open the Way to Victory
Format: Paperback
Length: 155 Pages
Published: 2004/2017

Stock Status:In Stock

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No matter where we are on the journey, we all face obstacles, blockades, sometimes seeming dead ends – whether these are physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, creative or relational. Yet we have a God who is with us and for us. A God who is a “Breaker” who goes before us.

This new edition of Barbara Yoder’s bestselling book, now revised and expanded, will help you discover firsthand that the very same God who led Moses and broke open the way for His people is ready to break open the way He has ordained for you.

In these pages are the biblical wisdom and practical application to help you learn how to partner with God for your own breakthrough. Every believer filled with the Spirit has access to God’s breaker anointing. You can move forward with faith, confidence and bold, courageous action. God the Breaker goes before you – and where He goes, nothing can hold you back.

Table of Contents:
Foreword by James Goll
Foreword by Chuck Pierce
Chapter 1: My Introduction to the Breaker
Chapter 2: God the Breaker
Chapter 3: Thrones
Chapter 4: Breaking Through and Breaking Out
Chapter 5: Breakthrough at the Gates
Chapter 6: Escape from the Narrow Place
Chapter 7: Rebooting the Church
Chapter 8: What Does Breakthrough Look Like?
Chapter 9: Scriptural Principles that Release Breakthrough
Chapter 10: Awaken the Breaker Forerunners
For Group Study


Understanding the power of God available to all believers is paramount for the hour we are living in. Barbara Yoder, in The Breaker Anointing, brings revelation for advancing God’s kingdom. The victorious Church is moving forward to break through every hindrance or obstacle standing in the way of God’s eternal purposes. You will be ignited with new passion as you read this book. I highly recommend this book for every person who is serious about fulfilling God’s magnificent purposes.
Barbara Wentroble, author; founder, International Breakthrough Ministries

We all have obstacles that crop up in our lives. Obstacles can keep us – as individuals, families, congregations, states and nations – from our dreams and our destinies. How do we handles obstacles? Do we give up, cry, turn and run, looking desperately for another way? In The Breaker Anointing, Barbara Yoder offers a much more acceptable option: Let Jesus blow them away. Barbara’s book teaches us how to align with the Lord of the breakthrough to clear the path ahead so that we can run the race to win!
Dutch Sheets, bestselling author; Dutch Sheets Ministries

About the Author:
Barbara Yoder is founder and overseer of Shekinah Regional Apostolic Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan, and the bestselling author of five books. She travels extensively as a national and international speaker and is considered one of the most influential women leaders in the Church today.