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Breaking Toxic Soul Ties
Breaking Toxic Soul Ties by Tom Brown
Price: $15.99
Sale Price: $14.39
Savings: $1.60
Author: Tom Brown
Subtitle: Healing From Unhealthy and Controlling Relationships
Format: Paperback
Length: 207 Pages
Published: 2017

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Going through this world in relationship with other people inevitably creates connections, or soul ties, in our inner being. When these relationships are loving, supportive, and nurturing, positive soul ties are created. But if the relationships become abusive, manipulative, or cause rejection, they create a toxic brokenness within our soul that we cry with us, even long after the relationship ends. If these toxic inner soul ties are not severed, we will experience failure, fractured relationships, and even health problems throughout life.

In Breaking Toxic Soul Ties, Tom Brown describes his own story of rejection and the process of inner healing he experienced. He will help you to identify and diagnose toxic relationships as he explains the difference between positive and negative soul ties. He also shows why toxic soul ties develop, and how they can only be broken by a process of inner healing that incorporates confession, forgiveness, and prayer. The truth is, unless your self-image is firmly rooted in the truth of your identity in Christ, you will always be susceptible to bad soul ties. Tom Brown describes the way for you to move forward in life and leave pain and brokenness behind for good!

Table of Contents:
Introduction: Why Do You Stay?
Part 1: Breaking Free
Chapter 1: Tolerating the Jezebel Spirit
Chapter 2: Don’t Let Others Control You
Chapter 3: How to Avoid Manipulation
Chapter 4: Four Levels of Authority

Part 2: Soul Ties
Chapter 5: What Is a Good Soul Tie?
Chapter 6: Not Good to Be Alone
Chapter 7: God Creates the Need for Good Soul Ties

Part 3: The Broken Soul
Chapter 8: Stockholm Syndrome
Chapter 9: Taking Responsibility Without Excuse

Part 4: Healing for You Soul
Chapter 10: Confess to Others
Chapter 11: Forgive those Who Have Hurt You
Chapter 12: Pray for Inner Healing

Part 5: How to Handle Rejection
Chapter 13: My Battle with Rejection
Chapter 14: The Prayer God Couldn’t Answer
Chapter 15: Learn from Rejection

Part 6: Develop Self-Esteem in Christ
Chapter 16: See Yourself Through God’s Eyes
Chapter 17: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
Chapter 18: Who Do You Think You Are?
About the Author


Have you ever been in a bad or toxic relationship? Have negative people wounded you? Do guilt, condemnation, and a feeling of rejection hold you back? If so, Breaking Toxic Soul Ties will set you free form the ungodly soul ties that have been keeping you from God’s best. Pastor Tom Brown masterfully explains how to receive inner healing and how to truly forgive those who have hurt you. After you read this book, you will feel like a great weight has fallen off your back and you will be ready to dance.
Daniel King

Have you ever read a book that makes you look at your life up close and personal, examining your heart to see who you really are and what you have become? I did this as I read Tom Brown’s revealing explanation of soul ties (both good and bad) – my relations with the people in my life or memories of past relationships. This powerful examination of who’s who and what’s what in your life can have an amazingly positive effect on you for the ret of your life. This is a must-read. I suggest that you have a journal handy to help you really explore these pages, and that you then recommend it to someone else.
Dr. Thelma Wells, Founder, A Woman of God Ministries, Professor, Speaker, Author, Mentor

About the Author:
Tom Brown is best known for his deliverance ministry. Millions have seen him on ABC’s 20/20, as well as on MSNBC and the History Channel. He is a noted conference speaker, prolific author, and committed pastor. His award-winning internet site reaches more than a million people a year. Tom resides in El Paso, Texas, with his beautiful wife, Sonia. They have three children together and are empty nesters.