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Breakthrough: Develop the 7 Habits of Victorious Christian Living
Breakthrough: Develop the 7 Habits of Victorious Christian Living by Jennifer LeClaire
Price: $16.95
Author: Jennifer LeClaire
Format: Paperback
Length: 199 Pages
Published: 2011

Stock Status:In Stock

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Jennifer writes from painful losses – and thrilling wins. Abandoned with a two-year old baby, Jennifer spent time in jail for a crime she didn’t commit, then lived on food stamps for nearly a year before she discovered how to live in victory. Today, she is debt-free, healed, and walking in her calling.

In Breakthrough, Jennifer outlines the seven principles Paul shared with Timothy in his swan song letter. This practical teaching blends Scripture, inspirational quotes, and real life experiences that encourage you to build biblical habits that transform your life – and get rid of destructive habits that are robbing your victory.

God is no respecter of persons. What He did for Jennifer, He’ll do for you. This book empowers you with action exercises at the end of each chapter to guide you on the path to developing victorious Christian living habits that lead to the breakthrough you’ve been praying for.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: What is Victorious Christian Living?
Victory Habit #1: Stir Up the Gift
Victory Habit #2: Know the Word
Victory Habit #3: Hold Tightly to the Truth
Victory Habit #4: Stay Focused on Christ
Victory Habit #5: Bear the Fruit of Discipline
Victory Habit #6: Live a Pure Life
Victory Habit #7: Find (and Be) a Mentor
Chapter 9: The Eighth Habit
Chapter 10: Good, Bad and Godly Habits
Chapter 11: Rooting Out Bad Habits

About the Author
Jennifer LeClaire is a prophetic voice and teacher whose passion is to see the lost come to Christ and quip believers to understand the will and ways of God. She carries a reforming voice that seeks to turn hearts to the Lord and edify the Body of Christ. Jennifer has a powerful testimony of God’s power to set the captives free and claim beauty for ashes. She shares her story with women who need to understand the love and grace of God in a lost and dying world. Jennifer is news editor at Charisma magazine, as well as a prolific author who has written several books.