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Can You Be Gay and Christian?
Can You Be Gay and Christian? by Michael Brown
Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $14.44
Savings: $2.55
Author: Michael Brown
Subtitle: Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality
Format: Paperback
Length: 286 Pages
Published: 2014

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)

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How should Christians respond to those who live a gay lifestyle but tell us how much they love the Lord? How do we answer them when they say that the greatest law is love and that love requires us to embrace them as they are? What do we do with the argument that the Old Testament laws no longer apply?

Can You Be Gay and Christian? Answers these questions and more with insight and biblical understanding, providing practical guidance for all Christians who have gay friends or family members or who struggle with their own sexuality.

There is no question that homosexuality has become this generation’s great moral and spiritual issue for the church. But what is God’s heart on this matter? What is written in His Word? What would Jesus have us do? With love and mercy and without watering down the truth of Scripture, Michael Brown walks you through the debates, arguments, and varying viewpoints to arrive at a place that is compassionate, honest, and holds fast to God’s Word.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Love Does No Harm to Its Neighbor
Chapter 2: To Judge or Not to Judge?
Chapter 3: Are We Using the Bible to Sanction Antihomosexual Prejudice?
Chapter 4: The Bible Is a Heterosexual Book
Chapter 5: Levitical Laws and the Meaning of To’evah (Abomination)
Chapter 6: What Did Jesus Say About Homosexuality?
Chapter 7: The Healing of the Centurion’s Servant
Chapter 8: Pau and Homosexuality
Chapter 9: Everything Reproduces After Its Own Kind
Chapter 10: Balancing Grace and Truth

About the Author:

Michael L. Brown is founded and president of FIRE School of Ministry and serves as a professor at The King’s University, Denver Theological Seminary, Southern Evangelical Seminary, and Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (Charlotte, North Carolina). He holds a PhD in New Eastern languages and literatures from New York University and is a published Old Testament and Hebrew scholar and the author of twenty-five books. He hosts the nationally syndicated The Line of Fire radio broadcast and has preached and taught around the world. He is committed to seeing a gospel-based moral and cultural revolution in America.