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Carriers of the Glory
Carriers of the Glory by David Diga Hernandez
Price: $15.99
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Author: David Diga Hernandez
Subtitle: Becoming a Friend of the Holy Spirit
Format: Paperback
Length: 192 Pages
Published: 2016

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Do you sometimes wonder how God can consider you a friend in light of your failures and defeats? Does your own insufficiency cause you to wonder whether the Holy Spirit truly dwells within you? Do you wonder why your own faith experience is so different from that of the heroes in the Bible?

Scripture makes it clear that communion with the Holy Spirit is the key to living the kind of empowered and authentic Christian life we see modeled in Scripture. The Holy Spirit works within us to form hearts that truly worship, minds that understand the depths of God’s Word, and hands that accomplish the miraculous. This book will acquaint you with the mysterious third Person of the Trinity, helping you to draw closer to Him so that you may become a carrier of God’s Spirit - a chosen friend of God.

This book provides answers to some popular questions about the Holy Spirit . . .
  • What is the Holy Spirit’s purpose and nature?
  • What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit and why is it an unpardonable sin?
  • What does the Bible really teach about spiritual gifts?
  • What does it mean to be a friend of God?

If you desire to know God in a deeper and more intimate way, if you want your soul to be set ablaze with a passionate love for Him, if you want to walk in the fullness of all that He has created you for, then this book is for you!

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The Spirit and I
Chapter 2: The Spirit and Immersion
Chapter 3: The Spirit and Holiness
Chapter 4: The Spirit and Prayer
Chapter 5: The Spirit, Gifts and the Call
Chapter 6: The Spirit and You
Chapter 7: The Spirit and the Fifth Great Awakening
Chapter 8: Questions About the Spirit

David Diga Hernandez is radically calling for a generation to Encounter God. Through demonstrations of the Spirit and with power, David is reaching a lost world with the message of the Gospel. In his book, Carriers of the Glory, he reveals his personal encounter with God and challenges the reader to seek an authentic relationship with the Person of the Holy Spirit. Discover keys to living in the atmosphere of Heaven and to becoming carrier of God’s Glory!
Ken Brown, Pastor, Teacher, and Host of The Empowering Word

David is not conveying encounters with God that happened decades ago; he’s recounting modern experiences of his own that bring impartation to those that are hungry for the reality of God’s presence. My prayer is that this book becomes a guide for those who desire to know God in a more intimate way. The Holy Spirit was sent to bring the reality of God to us. This book provides an intensive study on the Holy Spirit, and, if acted on, the truths in this book will usher the reader into an adventure with the Holy Spirit. Thank you, David, for answering the need for utterance concerning the supernatural for this era. Believers will be blessed by this read for years to come.
Marcus Tankard, Missionary, Pastor, Musician & Author

About the Author:
David Diga Hernandez is an evangelist, healing minister, author and TV host. He heads an evangelistic healing ministry based in Southern California. David travels all around the world ministering God’s power and presence. The ministry’s weekly TV program, Encounter TV, is available in millions of homes globally and features highlights from David’s Miracle Encounter Services. His ministry is distinctly marked by the presence of the Holy Spirit, miracles, healing, and salvation. David is a unique and emerging Spiritual leader, called to take God’s saving and healing power to this generation.

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