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Charismatic Ministry
Charismatic Ministry by Gordon Lindsay
Price: $11.95
Author: Gordon Lindsay
Format: Paperback
Length: 183 Pages

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Today, more than ever, there is a growing need for sound, biblical training for those who are pursuing their God-given call into full-time ministry. In The Charismatic Ministry, Gordon draws from his extensive experience as a traveling evangelist and pastor, offering valuable insight into the practical side of ministry.

Expounding in great depth on many topics, from discerning the call of God to how to properly evangelize within a community, Gordon offers pertinent criteria that is needed for a prosperous ministry. He also places great importance on understanding the gifts of the Spirit and their necessity for any minister in today’s culture.

The charismatic Ministry is not only a cohesive training manual, but a candid memoir from one of the country’s pioneers in the full gospel movement. Even though it was written at a very different time than ours, this book is filled with timeless insight that will greatly benefit a new generation of ministers as they step into church leadership.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Call of God
Chapter 2: Some Qualifications for the Ministry
Chapter 3: The Art of Understanding People
Chapter 4: Supernatural or Nonsupernatural Ministry?
Chapter 5: The Place of Prayer in a Minister’s Life
Chapter 6: The Pentecostal Ministry
Chapter 7: What Every Minister Should Know About the Gift of Prophesy
Chapter 8: Important Facts About the Healing Ministry
Chapter 9: The Power of Faith
Chapter 10: Why Some Ministers Fail
Chapter 11: The Prize of the High Calling
Chapter 12: The Ministry of a Pastor
Chapter 13: The Ministry of an Evangelist
Chapter 14: Are There Apostles Today?
Chapter 15: Evangelizing a Community
Chapter 16: Doctrine of Christ – Basis of Fellowship
Chapter 18: Divine Discipline – The Forgotten Key to Church Unity
Chapter 19: Why Leaders Fail
Chapter 20: Ministers’ Special Problems

About the Author:

Born in Zion, Illinois in 1906, Gordon Lindsay was greatly influenced by the powerful healings and miracles he witnessed. After a powerful conversion to Christ, he quickly began to study the Word and minister. In 1937, he married his wife, Freda. In 1948, he started a monthly publication called The Voice of Healing, which was sent around the world to inform believers of the miracles that were happening during the tent meetings of some of the great revivalists of the 1950s and 1960s. In 1970, he started Christ For The Nations Institute, a Bible School that was designed to teach anyone the uncompromising Word of God and how to be led by the Spirit. Gordon has written 250 books/booklets which have been distributed and used to disciple believers all over the world.