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Cleansing, Healing Power of the Blood
Cleansing, Healing Power of the Blood by Sandra Kennedy
Price: $14.99
Sale Price: $12.74
Savings: $2.25
Author: Sandra Kennedy
Format: Paperback
Length: 160 Pages
Published: 2018

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One of satan’s greatest strategies is to magnify a believer’s sins, while minimizing God’s forgiveness. To access the benefits of Jesus’ blood, you need to learn how to agree with every promise and provision that the Cross has made available to you. For all who long to live in the victory purchased by Jesus, this book is for you! Dr. Kennedy offers a practical guide to accessing and enjoying the freedom earned by the blood of Jesus.
Right standing with God.
Freedom from guilt and shame.
Divine healing.
Victory over strongholds of sin and bondage.

Dr. Sandra Kennedy teaches the magnificent truth that God’s forgiveness has no limits, and His power knows no bounds!

For all who long to live in the victory purchased by Jesus, this book is for you! Dr. Kennedy offers a practical guide to accessing and enjoying the freedom earned by the blood of Jesus.

Your sins and failures should not hold you back from believing and obeying God’s Word. Claim your freedom and step into your destiny today!

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: What’s Wrong Here?
Chapter 2: Listen Up!
Chapter 3: Feeling Dirty?
Chapter 4: Fulfilling the Law
Chapter 5: What Is the Heart Anyway?
Chapter 6: Thoroughly Cleansed
Chapter 7: Me? A Priest?
Chapter 8: Bridging the Gap
Chapter 9: Sin versus Iniquity
Chapter 10: Too Hard for God?
Chapter 11: Standing in Confidence
Chapter 12: Free at Last!
Chapter 13: The Healing Power of the Blood
Appendix: Because of the Blood . . . Scriptures and Prayer


The Cleansing, Healing Power of the Blood is a plea for God’s people to not only experience the cleansing work of the Spirit but also to exercise their priesthood in helping others to a life of forgiveness and power. I heartily recommend this book to preachers, teachers, leaders, and all who seek a deeper experience of Christ and His love.
Dr. Ronald Cottle, Founder, Embassy School of Leadership

About the Author:
Dr. Sandra Kennedy brings a fresh approach in proclaiming victory through Jesus Christ with a particular emphasis on faith and healing. She is called to teach the uncompromised Word of God and fulfill the mandate given her by the Lord to grow up the Body of Christ and teach them victory. Sandra teaches the Word with great energy, passion, and humor. She is the founder and senior pastor of While Life Ministries in Augusta, Georgia, and founder of Sandra Kennedy Ministries. She proclaims the message of victory through her local, national, and international television ministry as well as SKM Network and other teaching resources. She has a passion for God and His people, and her heart’s cry is to see the church become the true Church in all its authority, splendor, and glory.