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Destroy the Works of the Enemy
Destroy the Works of the Enemy by Iris Delgado
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Author: Iris Delgado
Subtitle: A Deliverance Manual for Spiritual Warfare
Format: Paperback
Length: 202 Pages
Published: 2013

Stock Status:In Stock

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Through the power of the Holy Spirit you have authority over Satan. Keep him out of your life and the lives of those you love.

We are entering a season of greater crisis and evil, and the world needs our help. The devil knows he has a short time lift, and he’s tenaciously discouraging Christians and non-Christians alike. Demonic forces are at work in many lives, filling them with oppression and depression.

Destroy the Works of the Enemy demonstrates that, through the Holy Spirit, you have the authority to overcome evil, and it shows you how to use the power without fear. This how-to manual for freedom will help anyone struggling with sickness, worry, fear, or addiction, covering essential spiritual warfare topics such as:
  • How to deal with fear and worry
  • How to be released from the bonds of sickness
  • How to set others free from Satan’s hold
  • How Jesus dealt with demons
  • How to recognize false and true doctrines
  • How to maintain your freedom

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Kingdom of Heaven and Its Privileges
Section 1: The Promise of Authority and Power of the Believer
Chapter 2: The Secret of Walking in Authority
Chapter 3: Our Authority to Overcome and Rule
Chapter 4: The Power of Spiritual Armor and the Word of God
Section 2: Recognizing the Enemy’s Strategy
Chapter 5: The Flesh and Evil Spirits
Chapter 6: The Battle for Your Mind
Chapter 7: The Principles of Satan’s Oppression
Chapter 8: The Works of the Devil
Section 3: The Ministry of Deliverance
Chapter 9: The Deliverance Ministry
Chapter 10: Qualifications for the Deliverance Ministry
Chapter 11: How to Keep Your Freedom
Section 4: Living in Freedom from the Enemy’s Attacks
Chapter 12: The Will of God for Your Life
Chapter 13: How to Recognize True Doctrines and False Doctrines
Appendix: Powerful Declarations That Counteract the Attacks of the Enemy


In today’s society, with addiction at an all-time high and dysfunction taking the place of normal behavior, the ministry of deliverance has never been more relevant or needed in the history of mankind. The church today, with all of its platitudes, props, and prosperity, needs to return to the power that shook the world, set the captive free, and changed the direction of mankind. This book by Iris and John Delgado to release the authority to destroy the works of the enemy is needed, necessary, and timely for this generation.
Maury Davis, Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Church, Madison, TN

Dr. John Delgado and Dr. Iris Delgado, both anointed authors, have combined their anointing to share how every believer can break the power and influence of our enemy. Today, more than ever, people are struggling under spiritual attacks but are at a loss in how to deal with these issues in a proper and balanced approach. John and Iris walk in what they write. They see these principles work in their life as well as in the life of others. This book is a must-read, for it will enable you to rise up and walk in a new level of freedom in every area of your life.
Dr. Naomi Dowdy, Apostle-Equipper, Naomi Dowdy Mentoring and Consulting

About the Author:

Iris & John Delgado travel the globe together ministering the message of hope and restoration. Both have a doctoral degree in theology and counseling. John is the founder and president of Vision International Leadership Network and the author of Prayer Training Manual. Iris is the founder and president of Crowned With Purpose Ministries and the author of numerous books, including the best-selling Satan, You Can’t Have My Children.