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Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan
Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan by Kathy DeGraw
Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $14.44
Savings: $2.55
Author: Kathy DeGraw
Subtitle: Your Deliverance Guide to Total Freedom
Format: Paperback
Length: 255 Pages
Published: 2018

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)


Deliverance. Casting out demons. These are often controversial subjects among Christ-followers, when in fact, they were regular parts of Jesus’ earthly ministry. If we want to truly follow Jesus and experience the fulness of His Kingdom power, we need to be ready to confront the powers of darkness . . . victoriously!

Unfortunately, many Christians regularly deal with demonic torment and oppression. In Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Kathy DeGraw presents a powerful blueprint for victory in this easy-to-follow and relational approach to spiritual warfare. You will receive freedom in Christ and then discover how to use your Kingdom authority to deliver others from the bonds of darkness!

You will discover how to:
  • Operate prophetic discernment and recognize key signs of demonic torment.
  • Recognize manifestations of darkness such as generational curses, offense, bitterness, woundedness, fear, and unforgiveness.
  • Identify groups of demons: usually when one is cast out, it stirs other spirits harassing the individual.
  • Maintain your deliverance: learn how to walk in sustained freedom, rather than falling back into cycles of bondage and torment.
  • Protect your soul – the realm that demons specifically target.
  • Lead yourself and others to freedom through a powerful action plan of deliverance.

Watch every area of your life – and the lives of others – be supernaturally transformed by the total freedom you received in Christ!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Hakeem Collins
Opening Prophetic Word
Prayer of Deliverance
Airwave Declarations
Part 1: Defining Deliverance
Chapter 1: A Whole Soul is Possible
Chapter 2: What Spirits are Truly Present?
Chapter 3: Physical Demonic Manifestations
Chapter 4: Defining Exorcism versus Deliverance
Chapter 5: Rooting Out Strongholds

Part 2: Receiving Deliverance
Chapter 6: Passivity Detours Your Destiny
Chapter 7: Rebellion Can Be Released
Chapter 8: Are You Speaking Curses or Blessings?
Chapter 9: How to Identify Offense
Chapter 10: Extending Love and Forgiveness
Chapter 11: Destroying Fear and Manifesting Faith
Chapter 12: Reject the Spirit of Rejection
Chapter 13: Generational Curses

Part 3: Releasing Deliverance
Chapter 14: Forgiveness Releases Your Wounds
Chapter 15: The War of Words
Chapter 16: How to Minister Against Lust
Chapter 17: Ministering to Miscarriage Pain
Chapter 18: Steps in Deliverance
Chapter 19: Ministering Deliverance
Chapter 20: How to Receive a Client
Chapter 21: How to End a Session

Part 4: Manifesting Deliverance
Chapter 22: Minimizing Spiritual Warfare Attacks
Chapter 23: Staying Spiritually Strong
Chapter 24: How to Walk Out Your Deliverance


Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan equips the body of Christ in spiritual warfare strategies and deliverance to encounter supernatural breakthroughs. This book is loaded with defense tactics against the forces of hell to release the presence of God in your life. Kathy DeGraw has given a step-by-step comprehensive study guide on the subject of deliverance that unleashes the art of war for spiritual battle of the believer to receive flawless victories. As you read, chapter by chapter, you will begin to feel your spiritual armor being placed upon you to discern and destroy the works of darkness.
Dr. Hakeem Collins, Champions International, Author

This book reveals and equips believers to not fear but to walk through their legal right to disrupt the kingdom of darkness and advance the kingdom of light through authority and knowledge and revelation that is power-packed to set captives free and positively influence the lives of those requiring ministry. Kathy is sensitive to hear and function fully in her prophetic giftings, and I recommend this book as a trusted, authentic deliverance guide to freedom.
Apostle Dr. Yana Johnson, Torregrosa Apostolic Ministry

About the Author:
Kathy DeGraw is the founder of DeGraw Ministries, a prophetic healing and deliverance ministry releasing the love and power of God. She travels empowering and establishing ministries, equipping and igniting the believer and delivering people from the powers of darkness. She is the author of several books including Speak Out, Warfare Declarations, and Identity Invasion. Kathy is married to Pastor Ron DeGraw and is mom to three adult children.