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Discerning the Spiritual Climate of Your City
Discerning the Spiritual Climate of Your City by Alice Smith
Price: $11.99
Author: Alice Smith
Subtitle: A Guide to Spiritual Mapping
Format: Paperback
Length: 67 Pages
Published: 2018

Stock Status:In Stock

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As Alice Smith says, “We cannot win a city we don’t love, and we can’t love a city that we hardly know.”

For years, Alice and her team have been engaged in spiritually mapping Houston, Texas, where she lives. She has also taught Christians around the world how to do effective spiritual mapping.

In this book, Alice explains the topic and the techniques, then takes us behind the scenes on actual spiritual mapping prayer journeys she and her team have made.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: It’s a Sin Issue
Chapter 2: Root Bondage vs Prevailing Bondage
Chapter 3: Discernment and Facts
Chapter 4: Prayer Journey to Goliad, Texas
Chapter 5: Your City’s Redemptive Gift
Chapter 6: Primary and Secondary Resources
Chapter 7: Prayer Journey to Riga, Latvia

About the Author:
Alice Smith, president of the U.S. Prayer Center in Houston, Texas, is a bestselling author and internationally-known conference speaker. She has written several books, including her very popular, Beyond the Veil. Alice and her husband, Eddie, make their home in Houston, near their four children and nine grandchildren.