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Discover Healing and Freedom
Discover Healing and Freedom by Peter Horrobin
Price: $14.99
Author: Peter Horrobin
Subtitle: Knowing and Living the Truth that Heals and Sets You Free
Format: Paperback
Length: 142 Pages
Published: 2021

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To live a full, healthy Christian life you will need healing along with way. Healing from injustices, abuse, self-hatred, entrenched personal sin, broken relationships, rejection, destroyed trust, lost dreams, depression, loneliness. Sin and wounds can often be tied to even physical pains. The list of things that hurt us along life’s way can have a profound effect on our body and on our personality, decision making, and on our relationship with God and others. This is why Jesus came to heal the broken-hearted. His healing radically changes lives, and still does, today!

In ten profound chapters, Peter Horrobin unpacks the Christian healing ministry for us all. In ways that anyone can understand, he explains how getting the foundations right changes everything. And how when we apply the principles in God’s Word, and follow the teaching of Jesus, every single one of us can take huge steps forward in our personal journey of healing. You don’t need to be a theologian to either understand it or receive God’s healing for yourself.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: Who is God and Who am I?
Chapter 3: Rebuilding Life – God’s Way
Chapter 4: Forgive and Be Forgiven
Chapter 5: Rejected No More!
Chapter 6: Setting the Captives Free!
Chapter 7: Healing for My Relational Past
Chapter 8: Broken through Wounding and Pain
Chapter 9: Freedom from Fear
Chapter 10: Learning to Live Again
Epilogue and Afterword

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