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Divorced by Jeanette Strauss and Doug Carr
Price: $19.99
Author: Jeanette Strauss and Doug Carr
Subtitle: Obtaining Freedom from the Sun and Moon God
Format: Paperback
Length: 168 Pages
Published: 2018

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The Body of Christ has been facing an enemy that it has little knowledge or understanding of, much less how to overcome this insidious foe . . . the principality of Baal, the sun god and his counterpart Allah – moon god. We must divorce these principalities from our lives in order to make the necessary progress in our daily lives.

The strategy to gain the victory over these principalities is through Courts of Heaven intercession. We will obtain the legal right through repentance and forgiveness for sin committed against God to remove the lawful rights Baal and Allah has used to withhold from us and our families churches, businesses, cities, towns, and regions.

This series of petitions of divorce are geared for individual, family, church or ministry, businesses, or regions or territories. Utilize these petitions to gain the freedom purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Table of Contents:
How to Maximize These Petitions
Section 1: Divorce from the Sun god
Chapter 1: Petition of Divorce – Personal
Chapter 2: Petition of Divorce – Family
Chapter 3: Petition of Divorce – Business
Chapter 4: Petition of Divorce – Churches and Ministries
Chapter 5: Petition of Divorce – Regional and Territorial Transformation

Section 2: Divorce from the Moon god
Chapter 6: Divorce from the Moon god Allah
Chapter 7: Shriner Involvement
Chapter 8: Masonic Lodge Members
1st Degree
2nd Degree
3rd Degree
31st Degree
32nd Degree
33rd Degree
Chapter 9: The Easter Star
Chapter 10: Jeanette’s Follow-Up
Chapter 11: Compiled Prayers and Petitions
Chapter 12: Shriner Involvement
Chapter 13: Masonic Lodge Members
1st Degree
2nd Degree
3rd Degree
31st Degree
32nd Degree
33rd Degree
Chapter 14: The Eastern Star
Chapter 15: Completing the Divorce
Chapter 16: Conclusion

About the Authors:
Jeanette Strauss is ordained as a minister through Gospel Crusade and has been in full time ministry since 1998. She is an officer in Aglow International and is an Intercessor Co-coordinator for Southwest Michigan under the leadership of Apostle Barbara Yoder and Apostle Doug Carr.

Doug Carr has been a pastor since 1976. He learned how to overcome demons in others by first dealing with them in himself. Based on the freedom he gained for himself, Doug began leading others to the same freedom in Christ. Some time ago, God called Doug to a lifelong commitment to the local and larger Church and community of Sturgis, Michigan.