It is time to return the joy of the Lord to everyday Christian life. The Greek term for ecstasy is linked with the pleasurable, God-given state of out-of-body experience recorded throughout the New Testament and the church age.
Author John Crowder shows you how God’s active interaction with men and women throughout the ages has always been marked by supernatural experiences. More than a state of mind, you will see how the nature of God’s ecstasy is found in the joy, bliss, and inner raptures of His presence.
You will also:
- Learn the history of trances in revival ministries.
- Gain a biblical understanding of Christian mysticism.
- Explore the ecstatic states of prayer and spiritual trances.
- Learn how to walk in continual joy and pleasure before the Father.
- Examine miraculous phenomena.
- Be refreshed by the new wine of God’s Spirit!
- Be encouraged to drink from the river of His pleasure! (Psalm 36:8)
There is no doubt that you can experience the joy and ecstasy of His presence every day of your life.
Table of Contents:
Foreword by Jeff Jansen Preface Introduction Part 1: Created for Pleasure Chapter 1: A Covenant of Bliss Chapter 2: Love God and Do Whatever Chapter 3: The House of Wine Part 2: Living in the Bliss Chapter 4: The God of Play Chapter 5: High on Jesus Chapter 6: Dispensers of the Glory Part 3: A History of Trances Chapter 7: From Biblical Prophets to the Outer Fringes Chapter 8: Trances, Fits, and Enthusiasm in Revival Chapter 9: Recovering the Experience of Trance Part 4: The Way of Ecstatic Prayer Chapter 10: Four Stages of Interior Prayer Chapter 11: The Distinguishing Marks of Ecstasy Chapter 12: the Supernatural Phenomena of Ecstasy Chapter 13: Levitation in Ecstasy Part 5: Mass Glory Movements Chapter 14: The Awakening Chapter 15: The New Martyrs Chapter 16: The Final Wave Endnotes
The Church has long been amiss in not understanding ecstasy, indeed nearly all our high experiences in our Lord’s loving presence. We tend to revile what we don’t understand (see Jude 10). We have often reacted to the word ecstasy as though it means some kind of off-kilter wildness that needs to be avoided in the name of common sense and balance. John Crowder’s book dispels fear and gives historical understanding and wisdom, properly enticing all of us into loving encounters with our Lord. In this time, when the Holy Spirit is calling us all into intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ, this book is greatly needed and should be welcomed by all Christians who see His face. John Sandford, Cofounder, Elijah House Ministries
John Crowder is an inspiration to the emerging generation. He lives a supernatural lifestyle rooted in years of deep study of church history and the Word. He challenges the mindsets of our time to release us into the very fullness of Christ. His messages are stretching, revelatory, and revolutionary. We highly commend him to you and know that this book is a timely revelation of the intimate realm God is calling His end-time Church to embrace. Get ready to experience a deeper union with Jesus than you’ve known before and to see Him work great supernatural exploits through your life. You are part of the generation that creation has been groaning for. This is your time to arise and shine to see nations changed forever. Justin Abraham, Cofounder, Emerge Wales
About the Author:
John Crowder is an itinerant revivalist, ministering in churches, conferences, and events worldwide. He is author of Miracle Workers, Reformers and the New Mystics and Founder of Sons of Thunder Ministries and Publications. John carries a vision to see mystical, supernatural Christianity restored to the church and for revival to burn to the margins of society. John, his wife, Lily, and their four children find satisfaction in the simplicity of loving God and demonstrating the finished work of the Cross.
