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Engaging the Courts for Your City
Engaging the Courts for Your City by Ron Horner
Price: $19.99
Author: Ron Horner
Subtitle: Building Ecclesias to Establish the Kingdom
Format: Paperback
Length: 193 Pages
Published: 2019

Stock Status:In Stock

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Do you want to impact your city through prayer? Do you need a new paradigm by which to see massive change and see your city transformed?

This book by Dr. Ron M. Horner will help you learn to establish an ecclesia in your city that governs by the spirit, not by politics. The church is anointed by God to touch nations and great place to start is your city. Let this book mobilize you to move forward in power and see massive change!

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Establishing an Ecclesia in Your City
Chapter 2: Preparing You
Chapter 3: Securing Protocols
Chapter 4: Engaging Watchers and Patrollers
Chapter 5: Engaging the Chief Angel
Chapter 6: Engaging Heavenly Portals
Chapter 7: Heavenly Travel
Chapter 8: The Divine Council
Chapter 9: A Typical Session
Chapter 10: Developing Your Team
Chapter 11: Hearing from the Ladies
Chapter 12: Conclusion
Appendix A
Accessing the Realms of Heaven
Prayers for Court Sessions
Other Court Actions Available
Process Charts
Petitions of Divorce
Petitions of Divorce from the Sun god
Divorce from the Moon god

About the Author:
Dr. Ron Horner is an apostolic teacher and author. He and his wife, Adina have been married for over thirty-five years and have three daughters who of whom are married, and two grandsons. He resides in central North Carolina with his wife and youngest daughter.