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Essential Guide to Baptism In The Holy Spirit
An Essential Guide to Baptism In The Holy Spirit by Ron Phillips
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Author: Ron Phillips
Subtitle: Foundation on the Holy Spirit Book 1
Format: Paperback
Length: 115 Pages
Published: 2011

Stock Status:In Stock

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What does it mean to be baptized in the Spirit? What does the Bible say about it? How can I experience it for myself?

Many people have questions about how the Holy Spirit can work in our lives. In An Essential Guide to Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Ron Phillips explains the experience of being baptized with the Holy Spirit and provides clear and comprehensive biblical background and support for the practice. Phillips takes you inside his personal journey to fullness.

As a Spirit-filled Southern Baptist pastor, Phillips brings a welcome balance to the topic, demonstrating how the power of the Holy spirit can help us to preach the good news, drive out devils, heal the sick, and see Gods kingdom on the earth grow.

The Holy Spirit has not given up on the church! He is still speaking to us and is simply waiting for us to listen and obey His voice.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: My Own Story

Chapter 2: An Old Testament Promise

Chapter 3: Entering the Spiritual World

Chapter 4: The Seal of God

Chapter 5: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament

Chapter 6: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit as Your Inheritance

Chapter 7: Gods Endowment for Ministry

Chapter 8: Physical Manifestation of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 9: Seven Dangerous Sins Against the Holy Spirit

Chapter 10: Traditionalism vs. Real Biblical Truth

Chapter 11: The Hope for the Church

Conclusion: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit and the End of the Age

For Further Reading


About the Author

Ron Phillips, DMin, is senior pastor of Abbas House in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Under his ministry, this church has experienced tremendous growth and has exploded into new realms of renewal and spiritual awakening. His weekly television and daily radio programs are broadcast worldwide and are available on the Internet. He is a sought-after speaker and the author of numerous books, including Our Invisible Allies and Everyones Guide to Demons and Spiritual Warfare.

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