The Exploring Heavenly Places series thus far has spoken of experiences occurring through discernment in dimensions existing beyond our normal everyday perception in seemingly faraway places. However, both the dimensional heavenly places and the power of God are also very close at hand. We frequently consider the Lord’s Prayer, but how often do we stop and consider the magnitude of the fact that His kingdom is already here and dwells within us? It’s so easy to simply assume that “on earth as it is in heaven” is future tense; for we know it will become evident in the millennial kingdom when Jesus literally return to rule and reign from His throne in Jerusalem. We must change our focus so that we do not miss the current reality of The Power of God on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Pondering the Power of God
Chapter 2: Power, On Earth as it is in Heaven
Chapter 3: The Gift of Tongues
Chapter 4: Tongues of Men and Angels
Chapter 5: Power for Living, Power for Dying
Chapter 6: Unfolding Revelation of God’s Power
Chapter 7: Puzzling Pieces of Revelation
Chapter 8: The Missing Piece
Chapter 9: Breakthrough
Chapter 10: The Golden Pipes
Chapter 11: Windows and Branches
Chapter 12: Prayer Renouncing Illegal Access of the Windows of Heaven
Chapter 13: The Greatest Power