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Global Prophetic Training
Global Prophetic Training by Johnny Morales
Price: $15.99
Author: Johnny Morales

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Global Prophetic Training provides basic biblical and foundational truths that will help to develop and activate your personal gifts and calling in Christ. Get ready for a journey into the prophetic realms of the Holy Spirit that will help to bring clarity, creativity and convergence in your life.

The subject of prophets, prophecy, and prophetic ministry continues to be relevant truth for your personal life and the corporate life of the church across the globe. The promise of our heavenly Father for these last days is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The signs of this outpouring include the tangible Presence of God and prophecy. God says “I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons and daughters will prophesy”. Every believer in Christ has the ability to hear the voice of God on a daily basis. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice”. Living a life of love, power, prosperity and productivity is linked with the simplicity of hearing the voice of God and being a doer of His word.

Through Global Prophetic Training you will discover:
  • How to develop the gift of prophecy and the call of prophets
  • How to hear the voice of God
  • How to share the voice of God
  • How to be the voice of God

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Secret Revealed
Chapter 2: The Prophetic Waves of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 3: Hearing the Voice of God
Chapter 4: Understanding Prophecy
Chapter 5: Sharing the Voice of God
Chapter 6: The Prophetic Ministry
Chapter 7: The Restoration of the Prophetic Ministry
Chapter 8: Ezekiel’s Prophetic River
Chapter 9: The Language of God’s Heart
Prophetic Journal

About the Author

Johnny Morales serves as an associate pastor with Pastor Paul and Denise Goulet at the International Church of Las Vegas. He and his wife Maria celebrate 22+ years of marriage along with their two children named Angelina and Johnny Jr. Johnny’s leadership and lifestyle of worship and intercession is impacting our generation. He carries the Father’s heart and has a passion for God’s Presence, power, and prophecy. Johnny’s calls to teach, train and mobilize the body of Christ into productive, supernatural and fruitful ministry are evident with over 24 years of experience such as: church planting at-risk youth ministry, prison re-entry, missions, prophetic evangelism, T.V. radio, men’s ministry, conference speaker, leading schools of ministry. He is also involved as a consultant to various global nonprofit organizations that is impacting areas of Fatherless youth, human trafficking, prison re-entry, and leadership training.

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