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God is That You Me or the Devil
God is That You Me or the Devil by Kevin Winters
Price: $15.99
Author: Kevin Winters
Subtitle: How to Confidently Know God's Voice
Format: Paperback
Length: 349 Pages
Published: 2015

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Have you ever been tormented by the question; Is that God, me, or the devil? When it comes to hearing the voice of God, most of us have. In fact, Kevin had this problem too until He cried out to God. In response to Kevin’s cry, God began to pour out revelation that solidified his ability to not only hear but know with certainty the voice of God. It is this revelation that he brings to you in, God, Is That You, Me, or the devil?

Kevin skillfully covers the subject of hearing God’s voice in great detail. While there are many books dedicated to the subject of how to hear God’s voice, few address at length principles of discernment. Principles such as the differences between the voice of God, the self-voice, and the Devil’s voice. Well, Kevin has sought to answer that most nagging question. And He does so biblically with sound revelation dedicated primarily to the subject of “how to discern” the voice of God. As you read this book you will experience insight that heals, instructs, encourages, and empowers you to hear clearly and confidently the voice of God.

Subjects covered are:
  • How God speaks vs how satan speaks
  • What we experience when God speaks to us
  • The role of the mind in discerning the voice of God
  • How to distinguish your voice from God’s voice
  • Hindrances to hearing God’s voice
  • The truth about the still small voice
  • The power of journaling
  • Being led by the Holy Spirit vs the voice of God
  • And so much more . . .

Table of Contents:
Section 1: The Speaker
Chapter 1: The God Who Still Speaks
Chapter 2: Ways God Speaks

Section 2: Discerning the Voices
Chapter 3: Signs of His Voice
Chapter 4: The Fruit of His Voice
Chapter 5: Different Voices
Chapter 6: Voices of Deception

Section 3: The Tools
Chapter 7: Elements of Hearing
Chapter 8: Hindrances to Hearing

Section 4: Hearing His Voice
Chapter 9: Preparing to Hear
Chapter 10: The Sound of His Voice
Chapter 11: Transforming Your Eyes and Ears

Section 5: Follow the Leader
Chapter 12: His Voice and His Character
Chapter 13: The Voice and the Unction

Section 6: Putting It All Together
Chapter 14: Practicing the Presence
Chapter 15: Journaling the Vision