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Gods Covenant With You for Life and Favor
Gods Covenant With You for Life and Favor by John Eckhardt
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Author: John Eckhardt
Subtitle: Come Into Agreement With Him and Unlock His Power
Format: Paperback
Length: 114 Pages
Published: 2015

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Covenant is enacted in every part of your life from marriage and family to deliverance and freedom all the way down to your finances. When you stay true to your covenant with God, you can be sure that no matter what storms come in life, it is God’s everlasting covenant of peace that will bring you through victoriously. God’s Covenant With You for Life and Favor shows you how being in covenant with God:

  • Frees you from your past
  • Allows you to harness your future with expectance
  • Puts you in position to receive the supernatural wisdom of God
  • Catapults you into the new things of God, and much more!
When you stay true to your covenant with God, you can be sure that for every circumstance you face, it is His everlasting covenant that will bring you through to victory.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Covenant with God Guarantees Life and Favor
Keeping Your Peace in a Chaotic World
What Will a Covenant With God Bring Into Your Life?
Why You Need to Understand Covenant
Prayers for a Blessed Life
Prayers for Enlargement and Increase
Chapter 2: Coming Into Covenant with God
Only One Way to True Peace
Jesus Is Our Covenant
Salvation Comes to the Gentiles through the New Covenant
Prayers to Activate God’s Covenant in Your Life
Chapter 3: Tapping Into the Favor of God
Levels of Favor
Mercy and Compassion Increase the Favor of God
Faithfulness Increases the Favor of God
Generosity Increases Favor
Great Grace (Favor)
Favor Multiplied through Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding
Favor Comes to the Humble
My Testimony of Favor
You Need Favor
Prayers that Release the Favor of God
Chapter 4: A Life of Excellence and Wisdom
Wisdom is Principal
Fear of the Lord Brings Wisdom
Moral Excellence (Virtue)
Excellent Things
Consider the Ant
Confessions for Walking in Wisdom
Chapter 5: Momentum: The Key to Sustaining a Victorious Life
Increasing Your Momentum
Joshua’s Momentum
David’s Momentum
Momentum Gives You Strength to Succeed in Long Seasons of Battle
The Dark Side to Momentum
The Lord of Bursts
The Power of God Thrusts You into Momentum
The Result of Momentum
Boldness Helps You Maintain Momentum
Miracles Give You Momentum
Prayers That Release the Power of the Lord
Prayers for Boldness and Courage
Chapter 6: Thieves That Come to Kill and Destroy a Good Life
Controllers and Manipulators
Hidden Sin
Passivity and Slothfulness
How to Regain Your Momentum
Never Again Confessions that Block Thieves of Success and Prosperity
Chapter 7: Breakthrough to Life and Favor through Fasting and Prayer
Approach Fasting with Humility and Sincerity
How to Fast
What Kinds of Breakthroughs Can You Expect as a Result of Fasting?
Prayers and Declarations to Release the Benefits of Fasting
Chapter 8: A Future Filled with Hope
Have Faith in God
Do Not Fret Because of Evildoers
Keep Your Heart and Your Mouth
Delight Yourself in the Lord
Bless the Little You Have in Your Hands
Take Responsibility for Your Success
Walk in the Power of the Lord
Recognize God’s Provision for the Pattern
Embrace the New Things
Meditate on the Word
Faith Declarations
Prayers to Activate the New Things of God
Confessions for Meditating on the Word

About the Author:

Apostle John Eckhardt is overseer of Crusaders Ministries, located in Chicago, Illinois. Gifted with a strong apostolic call, he has ministered throughout the United States and overseas in more than eighty nations. He is a sought-after international conference speaker and has authored more than twenty books, including Prayer That Rout Demons, Prayers That Break Curses, and God Still Speaks. Eckhardt resides in the Chicago area with his wife, Wanda, and their five children.