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Healing Creed
Healing Creed by Becky Dvorak
Price: $17.99
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Author: Becky Dvorak
Subtitle: God's Promises for Your Healing Breakthrough
Format: Paperback
Length: 184 Pages
Published: 2017

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Many Christians confess, “I believe in Jesus, the Son of God, the Savior, the Redeemer,” But what about Jesus the Healer?

Could it be that believers today are not experiencing the fullness of Heaven’s healing power because they have ignored this vital, ancient identity of Jesus?

The Healing Creed is a revolutionary work that shows you how to believe in, activate, and experience the supernatural demonstration of Jesus’ healing power.

Through a blend of practical teaching and powerful, first-hand healing testimonies, you will learn to:
  • Apply the blood covenant of Jesus and release miracles into impossible situations
  • Appropriate the redemptive work provided by the Cross over every curse and disease
  • Activate the faithful healing promises of God and stand firm against sickness
  • Access the untapped healing power of repentance and forgiveness
  • Authoritatively pray against sickness with confidence to release victorious healing

Put the healing creed to work in your life and experience the healing promises of Jesus today!

Table of Contents:
The Healing Creed
Chapter 1: Believe Again
Chapter 2: The Power of the Blood
Chapter 3: My Redeemer
Chapter 4: The Fruits of an Ambassador to Heal
Chapter 5: The Authority of Christ
Chapter 6: Remember All of His Benefits
Chapter 7: Able and Willing to Heal
Chapter 8: The Great Physician
Chapter 9: Choose Life, Laughter, and Joy
Chapter 10: The Healing Power of Repentance and Forgiveness
Chapter 11: The Sword of the Spirit

As I travel around the country ministering in revival meetings, I see the power of the Holy Spirit healing people of all manner of sickness and disease – sometimes in unusual ways. Although some do not receive healing instantly, we must still believe Jehovah Rapha can break in at any moment with a miracle. Becky’s book The Healing Creed helps bolster your faith with key Scriptures and practical insights that inspire a new level of belief in your heart even if the doubt still attacks your mind. I highly recommend adding this book to your library on God’s healing power.
Jennifer LeClaire, Senior Editor, Charisma Magazine

Becky Dvorak builds a solid foundation from the Bible for healing in the church. She exposes the enemy’s tactics of distracting and robbing the church of the gift of healing through the blood of Jesus. A seasoned prophetic evangelist, you will be encouraged, challenged, and set free from faulty theology that you had no idea you believed in until you read The Healing Creed. Becky skillfully leads you into declaring The Healing Creed over your life with Scriptures intertwined with healing testimonies to increase your faith. As a mother of a daughter with special needs, Becky has given me a weapon to wage war for her healing. I encourage you to take this weapon, The Healing Creed, in the fight for healing for your friends and family.
Leilani Haywood, Online Editor of SpiritLed Woman and Author

About the Author:
Becky Dvorak, author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic, content partner with spirit Led Woman/Charisma, is a prophetic healing evangelist, conducts healing services, seminars, and conferences globally. Along with her husband, David, they have been full-time missionaries since 1994, in Guatemala, Central America, founders of Healing and Miracles International, and Vida Ilimitada. They celebrate 36 years of marriage, have 8 children, 3 adult biological and 5 adopted, and 8 grandchildren.