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Healing Treasures from the Word of God
Healing Treasures from the Word of God by Sandra Kennedy
Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $14.44
Savings: $2.55
Author: Sandra Kennedy
Subtitle: Scriptures and Commentary to Help You Receive Your Healing Miracle
Format: Paperback
Length: 148 Pages
Published: 2020

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The Bible is filled with healing promises! From Genesis to Revelation, the nature of God is clearly revealed. He heals because He is good and because His Name is Healer. The good news is this: right now, you have instant access to the supernatural Source of God’s healing power – His Word!

Dr. Sandra Kennedy is a powerful, yet practical Bible teacher who has been training Christians for decades on how to activate God’s Word to receive their healing.

In Healing Treasures from the Word of God, you will:
  • Strengthen your faith to receive a breakthrough as you discover powerful healing promises contained in nearly every book of the Bible.
  • Receive practical teaching and commentary from Sandra Kennedy on each healing promise in scripture and learn how to apply it.
  • Transform the way you read the Bible – and experience it as the Miracle Book.
  • Pray to receive your own healing by using the powerful, Scripture-based Prayer for Healing featured in this book.

Fall in love with the Word and you will discover its healing, delivering, and transforming power and what a treasure the Word of God truly is!

Table of Contents:
The Miracle Book
A Pure Heart
Healing Scriptures with Commentary
A Prayer for Healing
Are You Born Again?

About the Author:
Dr. Sandra Kennedy brings a fresh approach in proclaiming victory through Jesus Christ with a particular emphasis on faith and healing. She is called to teach the uncompromised Word of God and fulfill the mandate given her by the Lord to “grow up the Body of Christ and teach them victory.” Sandra teaches the Word with great energy, passion, and humor. She is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Whole Life Ministries in Augusta, Georgia, and Founder of Sandra Kennedy Ministries. She proclaims the message of victory through her local, national, and international television ministry as well as SKM Network and other teaching resources. She has a passion for God and His people, and her heart’s cry is to see the Church become the true Church in all its authority, splendor, and glory.