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How to Operate In the Gifts of the Spirit
How to Operate In the Gifts of the Spirit by Steven Brooks
Price: $15.99
Sale Price: $13.59
Savings: $2.40
Author: Steven Brooks
Format: Paperback
Length: 179 Pages
Published: 2014

Stock Status:In Stock


Maybe you thought that the Holy Spirit no longer gave gifts to His people in the twenty-first century. There’s a good chance you have heard of these gifts, but you have only seen them listed in a What We Believe section on a church website and you have not personally experienced their operation.

Steven Brooks shares solid Biblical insight and powerful personal testimony of what it looks like to exercise each of the nine gifts of the Spirit.

Discover how:
  • Jesus ministered supernaturally using the fits of the Spirit – and you can do the same!
  • The Holy Spirit can use any of the nine spiritual gifts through you to bring divine transformation to a person or situation.
  • You can walk in the gifts and fruit of the Spirit as a supernatural lifestyle – where you do the works of Jesus with power and you reflect the character of Jesus with integrity.

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Most Important Person on the Earth Today
Chapter 2: How to Operate in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Chapter 3: The Most Excellent Gift of the Word of Wisdom
Chapter 4: The Supernatural Gift of the Word of Knowledge
Chapter 5: The Mysterious Gift of Discerning of Spirits
Chapter 6: Super Faith – Nothing Is Impossible with God
Chapter 7: Gifts of Healings – Still the Dinner Bell for the Lost
Chapter 8: Working of Miracles – An Explosion of Power
Chapter 9: Prophecy – Stargazing with God
Chapter 10: Messages from God to His People
Chapter 11: Which are the Best Gifts?
Chapter 12: Humility to Flow in the Gifts
Chapter 13: Unraveling Spiritual Mysteries
Chapter 14: A Special Impartation for You to Flow in the Gifts

About the Author:

Steven Brooks is known worldwide for his outstanding ability to preach and teach the Word of God with unusual authority and tremendous clarity. His powerful healing and miracle ministry have taken him throughout America and around the world with confirming signs and wonders that strengthen the church and draw multitudes to Jesus Christ.