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Hypocrisy Exposed
Hypocrisy Exposed by Jake Kail
Price: $13.99
Author: Jake Kail
Subtitle: When Evil Pretends to be Good
Format: Paperback
Length: 139 Pages
Published: 2019

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How do sexual predators, domestic abusers, and false prophets blend into our churches undetected? How do some people appear to be so godly in public, but live a life of complete darkness and unrepentant sin in private? How can a person cause terrible damage to others without feeling any genuine remorse? The answer to these questions lies in understanding the nature of hypocrisy.

Jesus warned us to be on guard against hypocrisy, but we have often not understood what the term actually means. Hypocrisy is not when a righteous person sins, it is when an evil person pretends to be good.

In Hypocrisy Exposed you will learn:
  • The true meaning of the word hypocrite
  • Why Jesus was so harsh against hypocrisy
  • The difference between hypocrisy and other sins
  • Characteristics and tactics of a chronic hypocrite
  • How to heal from the damage done through hypocrisy
  • How to walk in integrity instead of hypocrisy

God is shining light in the church and exposing hidden things. It’s time to grow in wisdom and discernment so that we can spot wolves in sheep’s clothing and recognize hypocrisy in our midst!

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Hypocrisy Defined
Chapter 2: Judas: An Example of Hypocrisy
Chapter 3: Mask On, Mask Off
Chapter 4: The Original Hypocrite
Chapter 5: The Making of a Hypocrite
Chapter 6: The Religious Narcissist
Chapter 7: Beware of False Repentance
Chapter 8: The Hypocrite’s Words
Chapter 9: Hypocrisy Will be Exposed
Chapter 10: Healing from the Effects of Hypocrisy
Chapter 11: Integrity: The Opposite of Hypocrisy
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About the Author

About the Author:
Jake Kail was called to ministry in college, after a life-changing encounter with God. He is the author of multiple books, including Keys for Deliverance and Discovering Your Destiny. He speaks at churches, conferences, retreats, and other events. Jake and his family live in Lancaster, PA where he serves as the lead pastor of Threshold Church.