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I Do Hard Things
I Do Hard Things by Havilah Cunnington
Price: $14.99
Author: Havilah Cunnington
Subtitle: A Bible Study to Break Free of Fear and Pain
Format: Paperback
Length: 208 Pages
Published: 2019

Stock Status:In Stock

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What if, instead of feeling paralyzed by fear and pain, you had a plan of action to climb out of your suffering and learned to dream again?

You are going to face hard things in life. Things that take your breath away. Those things you didn’t expect, the pain you didn’t anticipate, the moment you didn’t see coming. What do you do when you face these hard things?

Taken from the story of Joseph, the man who conquered the unthinkable in his own life and learned to see God’s purpose in his painful path. This study is designed for those who are passionately obsessed with learning how to live their life the way God intended. No longer willing to settle for a life of debilitating shame and crippling fear. If you are convinced there’s his study is for you!

Doing hard things isn’t always something you’ve been taught, but it’s something you were made to do.

If you’re willing to take the risk and find the courage to change, this 15-day study is designed for your transformation!

Table of Contents:
About the Author
Getting Started
Week 1: Awareness: Something Needs to Change
Day 1: Why am I Not Alright?
Day 2: Where Did I Get Lost?
Day 3: How Do I Climb Out?
Day 4: What is Stopping Me?
Day 5: What is Helping Me?

Week 2: Responsibility: I Create My Own Reality
Day 6: How Do I Change?
Day 7: How Do I Tell the Truth?
Day 8: What is My Daily Narrative?
Day 9: What is in My Yard?
Day 10: What am I Passing On?

Week 3: Forgiveness: I Release Shame and Blame
Day 11: How Do I Stop Feeling Bad?
Day 12: Will I Ever Get Past My Failures?
Day 13: How Does the Power of God Fix Things?
Day 14: How Do I Overcome Fear?
Day 15: How Do I Live Without Confusion?
Next Steps

About the Author:
Havilah Cunnington serves as a pastor at Bethel Church and is the founder of a non-profit and online community called Truth to Table, where she reaches the world daily from her kitchen table with Bible studies, messages, and lifestyle leadership tools. Havilah and her husband, Ben, reside in Redding, California, with their four sons: Judah, Hudson, Grayson, and Beckham.