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Imprecatory Prayer
Imprecatory Prayer by Greg Crawford
Price: $12.99
Author: Greg Crawford
Subtitle: Let Justice Prevail
Format: Paperback
Length: 60 Pages
Published: 2009

Stock Status:In Stock


Never be defeated in your prayer life again! The six distinct types of prayer are covered and also the secret weapon of imprecatory prayer. Imprecatory prayer or prayers of imprecation are seen throughout the Bible. Imprecatory prayer is done when covenant is broken. Taught in detail, the requirements for imprecation, heart attitude and also outcomes are shown. Imprecation was the secret weapon of David’s prayer life. A true living example is given showing the power of imprecation!
This is the next level of intercession not even heard about, but much needed in this hour!

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: Six Types of Prayer/Imprecatory Grace
Chapter 2: Imprecatory Grace
Chapter 3: Engaging the Covenant in Our Lives
Chapter 4: Imprecatory Prayer is Enforcing the Covenant of God
Chapter 5: Who Files the Lawsuit?
Chapter 6: Psalm 109: A Prayer for the Punishment of the Wicked
Chapter 7: Why So Uneasy About Imprecatory Prayer
Chapter 8: A Real Life Testimony of Imprecatory Prayer
Chapter 9: Summary
About the Author

About the Author:
Greg Crawford has been active in ministry for over 30 years serving in almost every type of leadership role. He is the founder of Jubilee International Ministries encompassing a network of international schools of ministry, online school, network of ordained ministers, and currently The BASE, an apostolic kingdom center in the state capital. He has traveled internationally, is a spiritual father to many and has a desire to see the next generation spiritually excel. He has labored to see the Kingdom expression of reformation and awakening come by traveling and speaking in Iowa and the United States to help bring this into existence. He is best known for his revelatory teaching style and has a unique and powerful ministry of laying on of hands for impartation. He carries a deep message that releases the breath of God to confront the hearts of believers.