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Intercession and Healing
Intercession and Healing by Fiona Horrobin
Price: $14.99
Author: Fiona Horrobin
Subtitle: Ellel Ministries Truth and Freedom Series
Format: Paperback
Length: 173 Pages
Published: 2008

Stock Status:In Stock

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Intercession & Healing is for ordinary people in their walk with an extraordinary God. It is about breaking through with God in the most difficult of lifes issues.

God has called His Church to be an intercessory bridge, bringing people to the heart of God and into the blessing of His truth truth that will release them from the deep pains that hold them back in life. The Father yearns for His children to know Him in the core of their being and enjoy His protection, safety and peace. This, in essence, is true healing.

After two decades of ministering to healing needs, ranging from severe mental health issues to physical healing, Fiona has learned powerful principles of intercession and healing. Pouring strength, love and hope into a persons heart is not always easy. But through persevering intercession we find the heart of God truly responds to our desire for the healing of others.

Fiona conveys her passion that the healing ministry is an integral part of Christian growth and explains in down-to-earth, practical terms about: Godly order, anointing, strongholds, discernment, the human spirit, dangers of soul power, faith and healing, covenant, angels & demons and much, much more.

Table of Contents




Chapter 1: The Intercessory Place

Chapter 2: The Intercessory Mandate

Chapter 3: Principles for Seeing the Power of God Flow in Healing

Chapter 4: Godly Order, Authority and Power

Chapter 5: Angelic Help

Chapter 6: Praise and Worship

Chapter 7: Gods Covenant

Chapter 8: Prayer of Faith and Breakthrough

Chapter 9: Soul Power

Chapter 10: Called to Battle and War

Chapter 11: The Gift of Discernment

Chapter 12: Additional Practical Prayers and Points

Chapter 13: The Intercessory Goal The Prayer of Jesus to His Father

About Ellel Ministries

About the Author

About the Author

Fiona Horrobin has been an integral part of pioneering the work of Ellel Ministries International. She has worked extensively for over twenty years ministering into broken lives. Out of the lessons learned, she has helped pioneer many of the Ellel training courses and comes with a passionate heart to see healing as integral to discipleship and Christian growth. Having pioneered prayer ministry teams, healing retreats and training courses, she has taught and ministered worldwide at conferences and training events. Fionas secure Christian home background and upbringing have helped her to pass on to others solidity, inspiration and faith in their own journey with God.

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