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Judging Others Without Pride
Judging Others Without Pride by Frank Marzullo Jr
Price: $7.50
Author: Frank Marzullo Jr
Format: Booklet
Length: 30 Pages
Published: 2016

Stock Status:In Stock

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I agree with my friend who said, “I think that judging is a normal function of our brain as we try to discern the world around us. We naturally profile people based on stereotypes as a quick way to determine who we are dealing with and whether they pose a threat or not. The issue is not so much whether our minds “pre-judge” but whether we subject that process to an examination that controls how we respond to that initial assessment. We may have a prejudice but what we ultimately do is fully under our control. Thus, the challenge is to rise above our instincts and using our rational minds and our faith and understanding of God’s word and decide how to think and act in an appropriate and holy manner. I think that it is important to distinguish between what we naturally think and what we decide to do. Our initial assessments may not be of God, but that is not a sin. What we eventually decide to believe and do is what subjects us to judgment. We cannot control our thoughts, but we can control our actions and conclusions.