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Kingdom Authority & Warfare 1 Study Guide
Kingdom Authority & Warfare 1 Study Guide by Michael Lake
Price: $17.00
Author: Michael Lake
Subtitle: An Introduction to Spiritual Warfare from a Hebraic/Biblical Worldview
Format: Paperback
Length: 134 Pages
Published: 2008

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It’s time to walk in authority and to conduct spiritual warfare in the same manner as Jesus and the early church!

Over the past few decades, there have been many books and teachings on spiritual warfare. Those that entered into actively living by those teachings found the task much more challenging than they could have ever imagined. There seemed to be something missing in the concepts taught that left gaping holes in their defenses. It is time to return to the book of Acts and realize that the early church flowed in Hebraic truths and a Hebraic mindset. Because they realized that they had been engrafted into Israel and its rich Hebraic heritage, they were able to move in a level of authority and protection that the modern church has yet to demonstrate. It is time to discover our Hebraic heritage and its place within the life of the believer. Then we can learn how to build solid defenses against the onslaughts of the enemy of our souls!

This study guide is based on the lecture notes of Dr. Lake teaching those called to ministry to walk in apostolic, prophetic and Hebraic truths that will bring new levels of empowerment and protection to the life of the believer. Use this study guide when taking the Kingdom Authority & Warfare 1 Course at BLCS, when you want to go deeper into understanding the Word of God, or when you want to mobilize your congregation to more effective ministry. This is the first in a series of three on spiritual warfare.

About the Author:
Dr. Michael Lake has earned doctorates in theology, religious education, and pastoral psychology. He has been teaching and mentoring aspirants to the ministry for over 30 years. Dr. Lake is known for his “where the rubber meets the road” teaching style that makes complex theological concepts easy for all to understand and live out in their daily lives.