Your home and your office should be a sanctuary for you and your loved ones. It should be a place of peace and rest so that as you meet each new day you will be restored and rejuvenated from the activities and stress you encountered during the previous day. If it is not, then there is something wrong that needs to be fixed as soon as you can.
Sin not only defiles men and women, it defiles the structure you reside in, the one you work in, even the place you park your car, along with the ground they all sit on. Thanks be to God it doesn’t have to be permanent. But that part is up to you.
This book has instructions on how to return the atmosphere of your home to the most peaceful and restful place on the planet, without throwing your spouse, kids, and mother-in-law out of the house. It will also do the same for all your property, including the office you work in. This book provides you with several real-life examples of land cleansing exercises and assignments covering homes, offices, and public areas that will give you some very practical insight into how it is done.
About the Author:
Jim Banks was raised all over the western and southern half of the United States, trained as an electrical engineer, worked in industrial sales and marketing, but finally finding his niche in ministry in 2002. Since then, he and his wife, Pat, have taught, trained, and traveled a lot of the globe helping trauma victims recover their lives and their identities, and teaching others to do the same.