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Language of Heaven
Language of Heaven by Sam Storms
Price: $17.99
Sale Price: $14.39
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Author: Sam Storms
Subtitle: Crucial Questions About Speaking in Tongues
Format: Paperback
Length: 258 Pages
Published: 2019

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Few other issues have separated the church more than the issue of tongues. Sam Storms focuses on this controversial subject with his signature insights to theology and the gifts of the spirit. What does the gift giver say about the gift He gave?

Storms seeks to bring balance to this subject in The Language of Heaven as he wrestles with this sensitive issue experientially as well as theologically. He ultimately provides a platform to allow God to speak for Himself as he addresses every text of Scripture on the subject and engages with every theological issue that speaking in tongues provokes.

As a pastor, Storms knows the questions that the typical churchgoer is asking and provides clear and accessible answers to them all, including:
  • Is the gift of tongues for every Christian or only some?
  • How does the gift of tongues operate in the life of the believer individually in private practice?
  • How does the gift of tongues operate in the corporate assembly of God’s church?
  • How is the Christian edified and strengthened by praying in tongues?
  • How do I pray for the gift and prepare my heart to receive it?

You can overcome the arguments, fears, and anxieties related to this spiritual gift. Remember, God gives only good gifts, and it is His intention that His church utilize all that He has provided so that we might experience all that He is.