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Leviathan Exposed
Leviathan Exposed by Robert Hotchkin
Price: $11.99
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Author: Robert Hotchkin
Subtitle: Overcoming the Hidden Schemes of a Demonic King
Format: Paperback
Length: 112 Pages
Published: 2015

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Do you feel misunderstood, like no matter what you say it’s misinterpreted? And the more you try to explain yourself, the more it seems to stir up confusion and conflict? Those are all signs that Leviathan is at work in your midst.

Leviathan is a high-level demonic spirit that works subtly behind the scenes to twist and pervert communications with the goal of destroying relationships and alliances. It wants to derail your destiny. If this wicked spirit is allowed to run amok, it will infiltrate every area of your life, creating chaos, confusion, devastation, and destruction. But fear not, because you now hold in your hands the understanding, tools, and tactics you need to stop this demonic power in its tracks and remove it from your life and spheres of influence. Leviathan Exposed: Overcoming the Hidden Schemes of a Demonic King reveals how this stealthy spirit works and how you can shut the door on its lies and manipulations to clear up communications, strengthen relationships, and get your destiny back on track.

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Patricia King
Chapter 1: Leviathan: A Global Assault
Chapter 2: The Spirit of Leviathan
Chapter 3: Strategic Keys to Overcoming Leviathan
Chapter 4: The Battle Is the Lord’s
Chapter 5: You Will Recover All
Additional Tools and Resources
About the Author

My friend Robert Hotchkin has done a masterful job of exposing one of the most subtle and fierce, dark, diabolical enemies of our lives. Good, clear communications are vital and a necessary key to having a growing, maturing relationship – in every sphere of life and ministry. Leviathan is a conniving demonic spirit that aims to twist communications. It is time that we learn the signs, step to the plate, and win this battle!
James W. Goll, Founder of EINetwork

I love this book! I have successfully battled with the spirit of Leviathan on many occasions and experienced extraordinary miracles through those victories. Yet in Leviathan Exposed, Robert Hotchkin unveils page after page of amazing biblical insights that I had not yet seen. After reading this, I feel so much more informed and empowered to take this beast down and free the Body from his tyranny. Well done, Robert!
Katie Souza, Prison Outreach of Expected End Ministries

About the Author:
Robert Hotchkin fervently believes every Christian is a miracle-working explosion of the Kingdom waiting to happen. His preaching, teaching, and ministry inspires believers to grab hold of their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the cross and walk the earth as Jesus did – destroying every work of darkness everywhere they go!