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Listen to Me Satan!
Listen to Me Satan! by Carlos Annacondia
Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $14.44
Savings: $2.55
Author: Carlos Annacondia
Subtitle: Keys for Breaking the Devil's Grip
Format: Hardcover
Length: 188 Pages
Published: 2015

Stock Status:(Out of Stock)

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Listen to Me Satan! Is full of amazing testimonies that will renew, inspire, and charge your faith. It’s the story of how one man confronted the devil, in the authority of the name of Jesus, and experienced extraordinary results. Join him on his journey from the poor villages of Buenos Aires to a global ministry, and find victory and freedom in your own life as well.

Table of Contents:
Foreword by C. Peter Wagner
Preface by Reverend Claudio Freidzon
Part 1: Go . . . and Preach
Chapter 1: God’s Call

Part 2: These Signs Will Accompany Those Who Believe
Chapter 2: Anointing in the Ministry
Chapter 3: Authority Through Faith

Part 3: They Will Drive Out Demons
Chapter 4: Demonology 101
Chapter 5: Demonology 102
Chapter 6: The Demonized
Chapter 7: Spiritual Deliverance
Chapter 8: The Dangers of the Occult
Chapter 9: The Power of Forgiveness

Part 4: They Will Speak in New Tongues
Chapter 10: Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Part 5: Deadly Poison Will Not Hurt Them
Chapter 11: Spiritual Covering
Chapter 12: Spiritual Warfare 101
Chapter 13: Spiritual Warfare 102

Part 6: Sick People Will Get Well
Chapter 14: The Healing Touch
Chapter 15: The World for Christ
Appendix A: An Example to Imitate and Follow by Pastor Norberto Carlini
Appendix B: Compassion for the Tormented Souls by Pastor Alberto Oscar Burkardt

About the Author:
Carlos Annacondia is recognized as the leader of the most significant revival in modern history, the Argentinean revival where several million people made decisions for Christ. He currently resides in Buenos Aires and chairs the Message of Salvation Christian Mission Organization.