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Lost Art of Intercession
Lost Art of Intercession by James Goll
Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $14.44
Savings: $2.55
Author: James Goll
Subtitle: Power and Passion of the Watch of the Lord
Format: Paperback
Length: 249 Pages
Published: 2007

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If you desire to have a burning passion for prayer – and to see authentic revival sweep the land – it’s time you rediscover The Lost Art of Intercession.

Unfortunately, many Christians falsely believe that intercession is a practice reserved for a select spiritual few. Through his timeless work, respected prophet and author, James W. Goll reveals how intercession is a powerful tool for every believer to unlock supernatural power and authority in heavenly places.

Learn how intercession:
  • Gives you a place of spiritual favor before Heaven and Earth
  • Empowers you to pray in alignment with God’s heart and unleash Kingdom solutions into your life
  • Enables you to plead you case and make appeals in the courts of Heaven
  • Ushers you into a lifestyle where supernatural encounters start becoming normal

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Mahesh Chavda
Chapter 1: Restoring the Moravian Fire
Chapter 2: Restoring the Fire on the Altar
Chapter 3: Restoring the Priestly Role of Intercession
Chapter 4: Restoring the Art of Pleading Your Case
Chapter 5: Restoring the Watch of the Lord
Chapter 6: Restoring the Path from Prayer to His Presence
Chapter 7: Restoring the House of Prayer for All Nations
Chapter 8: Restoring the Expectation of the Supernatural
Chapter 9: Restoring the ATM (Apostolic Team Ministry)
Chapter 10: The Day of the Watch Has Come

Enough cannot be said for James Goll’s addition to the arsenal of profound yet practical books on prayer. The Lost Art of Intercession is not some dry, academic treatise on prayer. No! It pulsates with prophetic life, complete with angelic visitations, visions, and miracles. It’s just plain exciting stuff! Also, knowing both James and his late wife, Michal Ann, as we have, these stories are not merely the secondhand recitation of other people’s experiences, but rather firsthand visitations like those in Bible days. I’ve heard many people speak and teach on prayer, but James Goll is one of the best yet. Don’t let this book get by you.
Wesley and Stacey Campbell, Founders of Be a Hero Ministries, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

If you want to be consumed on the altar of God, if you want your heart to be enlarged for God’s full purposes in our generation, then you will profit from this book. The Psalmist says that God confides in those who fear Him. The Lord confides different things to different people so that we need each other to become whole. James Goll fears the Lord and the Lord has confided some things to him that I needed. You need them too!
Dr. Don Finto, Founder of the Caleb Company, Nashville, Tennessee

We are epistles written and read of all men. What makes this book credible is not only its insight into the ministry of intercession, but also the author. James is no novice – he is a seasoned warrior. His writings are not the gleanings of a researcher; rather they are the lessons gained in the trenches of experience. This man lives the life of an intercessor – read and follow his example.
David Ravenhill, Author

About the Author:
James W. Goll is the founder of Encounters Network – a ministry to the nations. He is the International Director of Prayer Storm and the Chancellor of God Encounters Training. He is the author of over 30 books including The Seer, Dream Language, and The Lifestyle of a Prophet. James is the proud father of four grown adult children all married and a growing number of grandchildren. He continues his writing, travels the globe speaking the Good News of Jesus, and lives in Franklin, TN.