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New Testament Prophet
New Testament Prophet by Stephen Crosby
Price: $19.99
Author: Stephen Crosby
Subtitle: Understanding the Prophetic Mind, Temperament, and Calling
Format: Paperback
Length: 198 Pages
Published: 2015

Stock Status:In Stock

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I was moved to tears by the heartbeat of God for his people that resounds on page after page.
I have never read anything that so accurately described myself to me before this book.
If you want to perpetuate the charismatic dysfunction ubiquitous on the Christian landscape, this book is definitely not for you.
After reading this book, I felt like I had just climbed up to a vantage point where the Swiss Alps were spread out panoramically before my eyes.
I feel like I have been put in touch with my Creator for the first time.
For the first time, I don’t feel like there is something wrong with me.
This material has transformed my marriage. I now understand my husband for the first time.

Steve Crosby in The New Testament Prophet points the way to the realization of loving atmospheres where Christ-encounters can happen to us. His focus is ultimately on a neglected function in Christ’s body – prophets – but first he lays down an imperative context – the foundation of Christ, the New Covenant, and some practical implications of how the new humanity functions together. He takes the reader through a beautiful garden n order to examine a precious flower.

My heart was singularly refreshed by this book. I hope it will stretch your comfort zones! I think it is safe to say that The New Testament Prophet sets forth kingdom life in a way you have never heard before. This is true, I believe, because Steve is consciously trying to make “the Christ-Act the interpretive filter for every word, phrase, or thought in scripture – from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.”

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Why This? Why Now
Chapter 2: The New Covenant Part 1 – How “New” is the New Covenant?
Chapter 3: The New Covenant Part 2 – What’s Changed?
Chapter 4: The Universal Prophetic Spirit
Chapter 5: Prophetic Continuity and Discontinuity
Chapter 6: Understanding the Prophetic Psychology
Chapter 7: The Prophetics Inner Life
Chapter 8: The Prophetic and the Crucified Life
Chapter 9: What is a New Testament Prophet?
Chapter 10: Splitting the Prophetic Diamond
Chapter 11: Cleaning Out the Stall
Bibliography and Recommended Reading

About the Author:
Stephen and Rita Crosby have ministered in churches, home churches, organic churches, conferences, and Bible schools in nations on four continents. They have three grown children, and four grandchildren. They have been married for forty years. Steve and Rita are committed to the proclamation and spread of the transforming New Covenant life, love, liberty, and kingdom power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ into the world, one heart at a time. They are passionate about relationships – one-anothering – in community as the foundation for all kingdom endeavors.

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