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Night Vision
Night Vision by Charles Fox
Price: $16.99
Sale Price: $14.44
Savings: $2.55
Author: Charles Fox
Subtitle: Making Sense of Supernatural Dream Encounters
Format: Paperback
Length: 203 Pages
Published: 2022

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What did that blue tree mean in your dream last night? Was it because of the pizza you had for dinner, or was God speaking to you?

Many believers really want to understand their dreams but aren’t sure where to start. In Night Vision, Dr. Charles Fox lays a solid foundation by offering the biblical basis for dreams and then shares his own personal journey of actual dream encounters and their interpretations. Practical advice, common dream symbols, and prayers of activation into greater night encounters with the Lord remind the reader to stay grounded in the Word of God.

Night Vision will teach you how to:
  • Interpret your own dreams.
  • Recognize God’s instruction, warning, and encouragement in the night seasons.
  • Respond to what God is speaking to you.
  • Discern the counterfeit dreams.
  • Interpret others’ dreams.

There are heavenly encounters waiting for you when your head hits the pillow! Sharpen your “night vision” and begin communicating and fellowshipping with the Lord on a whole new level. Receive Dr. Fox’s wisdom and an impartation for more revelatory encounters in your dreams!

Table of Contents:
Foreword by Randy Clark
Chapter 1: The Biblical Framework for Dreams
Chapter 2: The Search for the Jewish Mother
Chapter 3: The Banquet Table and Richard Pryor
Chapter 4: Holding Hands with My Future Bride
Chapter 5: Why Am I Dreaming about Ronald Reagan
Chapter 6: Arable!
Chapter 7: Jet Skiing with Two Huge Alligators
Chapter 8: A Fish, a Cannon, and a Baseball Diamond
Chapter 9: White Powder on My Suit
Chapter 10: Octopus Tentacles on a Pastor’s Head
Chapter 11: Warfare on a Ship
Chapter 12: Flying!
Chapter 13: The Wasp and the Hammond B3 Organs
Chapter 14: My Big Brother in Heaven
Chapter 15: A Student’s Need
Chapter 16: The Uprooted Tree
Chapter 17: Lightning from Heaven on a Dark Road
Chapter 18: Where Is My Car?
Chapter 19: She Is Not a Servant
Chapter 20: Work on Your Character
Chapter 21: The Counterfeit
Chapter 22: Fireballs from Jesus and the Conclusion
Appendix A: Glossary of Common Dream Symbols
Appendix B: Practical Advice for Dreamers
Appendix C: Activation Prayer

About the Author:
Dr. Charles R. Fox, along with his wife, April, is co-founder of Victory Breakthrough Ministries. Charles is a seer and gifted communicator with a passion for revival. He also loves to equip people in the area of understanding and interpreting their spiritual dreams.