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Operating in the Courts of Heaven
Operating in the Courts of Heaven by Robert Henderson
Price: $15.99
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Author: Robert Henderson
Subtitle: Granting God the Legal Right to Fulfill His Passion and Answer Our Prayers
Format: Paperback
Length: 217 Pages
Published: 2014

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Why do some people pray in agreement with God’s will, heart ad timing, yet the desired answers do not come? Why would God not respond when we pray from the earnestness of our hearts? What is the problem, or better yet, what is the solution?

I believe the answer is found in where our prayer actually takes place. We must direct our prayer towards the Courtrooms of Heaven and not only the battlefield. I believe that it is in the courtrooms of Heaven where our breakthroughs can be found. When we learn to operate there, we will see our answers unlocked and released.

This book will teach you the legal processes of Heaven and your place in it. When we get off the battlefield and into the courtroom we can grant God the legal right to fulfill His passion and answer our prayers.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: Where is the Conflict?
Chapter 2: The Books of Heaven
Chapter 3: Contending for the Book
Chapter 4: Books and Destinies
Chapter 5: Voice in the Courts
Chapter 6: The Testimony of the Blood
Chapter 7: The Mediator’s Testimony
Chapter 8: The Testimony of Just Men Made Perfect
Chapter 9: The Voice of the Judge
Chapter 10: The Testimony of the General Assembly
Chapter 11: The Testimony of the Ecclesia/Church
Chapter 12: The Voice of Angels in the Courts
Chapter 13: The Testimony of the Bride
Chapter 14: The Testimony of Finances
Chapter 15: Presenting Cases in the Courts of Heaven


I always have tried to keep my spiritual ears open for important, new things that the Holy Spirit is saying t the churches, and through the years I have been permitted to focus in on several of them. As soon as I began hearing Robert Henderson speak on the courts of Heaven I thought that this might be another one of those divine words. Now that he has put his thoughts in writing with Operating in the Courts of Heaven, I am convinced that this revelation is truly a game-changer for those of us intent on advancing God’s kingdom. This is one of the most important books you can read for moving ahead in this present season!
C. Peter Wagner, Vice-President, Global Spheres, Inc.

From the first time I heard Robert teach on the courtroom of Heaven, the paradigms of my ministry have been shaking and shifting. I was fully aware, with our apostolic intercessory work in Texas, of the authority that we carry as kings and priests of the Most High God, but this material ushered me into a whole new realm of understanding and impartation. Whether we are grandpas, pastors, CEOs, mothers, students or a prayer leader over Texas, it is a powerful revelation to know that your destiny (and the destiny of states and nations) has been inscribed on the books that are set before the Judge and King of all of creation. And He has invited us into that courtroom in order to release and decree that destiny into the earth. This book, Operating in the Courts of Heaven, is not just a “must” read, it is a “must” mindset!
Dr. Thomas Schlueter, Coordinator, Texas Apostolic Prayer Network

Robert Henderson has a passion and love for the body of Christ that is awakening God’s people everywhere he ministers. Now Robert has a revelation that we need to seriously consider for unlocking god’s will for the world. Here is a key that could change your life and set you free.
Harold R. Eberle, Worldcast Ministries

Operating in the Courts of Heaven is an exciting treatise on the legal protocols of presenting a case in front of the Judge of Heaven and the entire legal systemic procedures therein. Robert’s ability to provide language and description to the supernatural administration of prayer, allows the process to seem easily explainable to the lay person as well as the legally trained. For those looking for answers to their prayer – the goal posts have been widened and the possibilities for victory assured! I have watched Robert grow and develop his understanding of the heavenly court system and rejoice to see it in black and white.
Natasha Grbich, Director, Ariel Gate International House of Strategy

About the Author:
Robert Henderson is an apostle at the forefront of the apostolic reformation and is recognized for his passion to bring apostolic alignment to the church and the business world. He is the founder and leader of multiple apostolic networks and is the author of several books including The Caused Blessing. He has been in ministry for 28 years and is currently enjoying life in Midlothian, Texas.