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Parents Empowered
Parents Empowered by Daniel and Esther Baumgartner
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Author: Daniel and Esther Baumgartner
Subtitle: Healing and Deliverance with Kids and Teens
Format: Paperback
Length: 143 Pages
Published: 2019

Stock Status:In Stock

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Christian parents are in a unique position to help their children deal with the challenges of life in a way that avoids emotional or spiritual problems taking root. In Parents Empowered, Daniel and Esther Baumgartner offer inspiring insights and a set of template prayers that you can use to help your child flourish now and into adulthood.
  • Be a parent whose presence and prayers matter in your child’s life
  • Have a home where healing and freedom is normal
  • Help your child to deal with emotional pain and hurts
  • Teach your child about sin and forgiveness
  • Equip your child to resist and overcome demonic influences or attacks

Table of Contents:
A. You can make the difference
1. God wants your child to flourish
2. A quality of life beyond your wildest of dreams
3. Stories from the battlefield
4. Fight today to dance tomorrow
5. Healthy adults healthy children

B. The healing home
6. Heart-to-heart relationships
7. Picking up signs and signals
8. Your Christian mind-set
9. The importance of the big questions
10. Creating a healing home
11. The power of God’s word

C. Tools for emotional healing
12. Empowering children to deal with hurts
13. How to forgive and deal with hurts
14. Breaking the power of negative reactions
15. Learning to respond better
16. Jesus heals painful memories

D. Teaching about sin and forgiveness
17. The truth sets us free
18. God’s remedy for sin
19. Cleaning up our mess

E. Tools for deliverance
20. The reality of demonic attack and deliverance
21. Securing your house
22. Setting children free
23. Combining prayer tools

About the Authors:
Daniel and Esther Baumgartner run a healing and deliverance ministry based in Zurich. They have one teenage and two adult sons.