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Power And Prayers to Neutralize Leviathan
Power And Prayers to Neutralize Leviathan by Joshua Tayo Obi-Gbesan
Price: $14.99
Author: Joshua Tayo Obi-Gbesan
Subtitle: Ending the Siege of the Demon of the Waters
Format: Paperback
Length: 126 Pages
Published: 2010

Stock Status:In Stock

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The demonic world is as real as the angelic one. The distinction, however, is clear: no good thing comes from the demonic realm. Its only product is the wickedness issued by Satan and his demon forces. Among hells ranks, only Satan, the dragon of the air, and one other evil spirit are clearly defined in Gods Word. That other demon is the spirit called Leviathan.

Through the Holy Spirit, many deliverance ministers have discovered Leviathan to be Satans top general in his war against the Church of Jesus Christ and her people. This book was written to expose Leviathans hidden activities and position believers to counter him through knowledge, holiness and decisive, targeted prayers. Leviathan will bow to Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords!

Table of Contents

Introduction: The Leviathan Demon

Chapter 1: Leviathans Attack on the Church

Chapter 2: Leviathans Weapons of Warfare

Chapter 3: Recognizing Leviathan

Chapter 4: Devine Weapons to Defeat the Leviathan Spirit

Chapter 5: Divine Power Over Demonic Forces

Chapter 6: Thanksgiving and Protection Under the Blood

Chapter 7: Neutralizing the Siege of the Leviathan Spirit

Chapter 8: Foiling Leviathans Strategy Against Churches and Ministries

Chapter 9: Defeating Leviathans Strategy Against Spiritual Growth

Chapter 10: Defeating Leviathans Designs for Setback and Ensuring Breakthrough

Chapter 11: Loosing Bondages, Breaking Yokes, and Delivering the Possessed

Chapter 12: Countering All Forms of the Leviathan Spirit

Chapter 13: Destroying the Attitudes, Lies, and Tactics of the Leviathan Spirit

Chapter 14: Breaking Ancestral Curses, Rebuking Leviathan, and Bringing Restoration

Conclusion: Occupy Until He Comes

About the Author

Pastor Joshua Tayo Obi-gbesan is a minister with the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries. He currently pastors a branch of the ministry in the state of Colorado, USA. He is called by the Lord Jesus Christ to go forth and set at liberty souls agonizing under satanic yokes and oppression. For more than seven years, he has fully responded to the call.

Pastor Obi-gbesan is married to Sister Marion B. Obi-gbesan and is blessed with two children, Busayo and Ayodele. The family live in the Denver Metro area.