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Power and Authority Over Darkness
Power and Authority Over Darkness by Angela Greenig
Price: $18.99
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Author: Angela Greenig
Subtitle: How to Identify and Defeat 16 Evil Spirits That Want to Destroy You
Format: Paperback
Length: 235 Pages
Published: 2019

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Evil spirits seek to gain control over specific parts of your life. From these strategic positions, they can exercise their powers of torment, intimidation, and despair.

But these strongholds can be demolished in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. It’s time to arise and take the offense against the enemy.

With her own radical testimony of personal deliverance and 25 years of deliverance ministry, Angela Greenig – a prophet, seer, and fearless leader – has firsthand experience in overthrowing the forces of darkness.

Now, in Power and Authority Over Darkness, she reveals how to:

  • Expose and destroy 16 demonic strongholds
  • Recognize open doors of witchcraft and sorcery
  • Partner with angels in the deliverance process
  • Protect your home from the influence of pornography and sexual perversion
  • Stand against the spirit of suicide
  • Reclaim your family, finances, and future

It’s time to overthrow the forces of evil and overcome the strongholds of darkness. Take back your life today!

Table of Contents:

Call to Action

The Dream

Chapter 1: A Little About Me

Chapter 2: Faith for Freedom

Chapter 3: Fruit Inspection

Chapter 4: Dressed for Success

Chapter 5: A Mindset for War

Chapter 6: Satanic Evils

Chapter 7: Satanism

Chapter 8: Power Over Satan and Demons

Chapter 9: Hierarchy of Demonic Strongholds

Chapter 10: Sixteen Demonic Strongholds

Chapter 11: Discernment and Prayers



Angela’s book is a powerful handbook and practical guide to spiritual warfare. The enemy is throwing everything he has at us right now because there is a generation rising up to take the Kingdom by storm. Angela’s insight and anointing opens fresh new revelation on who we are, who God is, and who our enemy really is. Get ready to go to an entirely new level in the spirit!

Doug Addison, prophetic author

In her book, Power and Authority Over Darkness, Angela Greenig combines sound biblical principles with revelatory encounters to produce an invaluable foundational guide to spiritual warfare. Angela’s book contains powerful revelation and wisdom from God that the body of Christ will appreciate. I have full confidence that anyone reading this book will experience greater freedom in their lives, even simply by praying the prayers Angela has written.

Ryan Lee, Lead Pastor, Blessed International Revival Center, Anaheim, CA

About the Author:

Evangelist and revivalist Angela Greenig is a seasoned seer and warrior for Jesus Christ and a leading force in deliverance ministry. For over 35 years she has been a defender of the faith and a voice for those who have no voice, traveling the world, preaching and training up the body of Christ. As founder of Angela Greenig Ministries International, a writer, and host of her own media channel, Angela has built and released deliverance and healing centers, and ministries in many cities throughout America and nations of the world. Her teaching and insight come from years on the front lines of spiritual warfare for the salvation and deliverance of people.