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Power of The Precious Blood
Power of The Precious Blood by Gwen Shaw
Price: $5.99
Author: Gwen Shaw
Subtitle: A Bible Study on the Blood of Jesus Christ
Format: Paperback
Length: 56 Pages
Published: 1978

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Never before in the history of this planet has there been such a time as this. Violence, crime and the shedding of blood are bringing a terrible curse on us which will result in the judgment of God being poured upon us.

It is an hour when we need to know how to be protected. Even defenseless old people can be delivered through The Power of the Precious Blood of Jesus.

More and more we will need to hide in the Blood. The demons know the power of the Blood of Jesus. They fear it. Satan sees it as the Blood of God and he respects its power.

As the destroyer passes through our land he will see the sign of Jesus Blood on our lives and he will not be able to do his terrible work of destruction, because we who know and trust in the Blood of Jesus will be marked for deliverance.

Table of Contents



Chapter 1: My Experience of Victory Through the Blood

Chapter 2: The Spirit of Cain

Chapter 3: The Adamic Covenant

Chapter 4: The Mosaic Covenant

Chapter 5: Life in the Blood

Chapter 6: Salvation Through the Blood Alone

Chapter 7: The Sprinkled Blood

Chapter 8: The Blood of the Old and New Testaments

Chapter 9: The Holy Cup

Chapter 10: The Curse in the Blood-Line

Chapter 11: Love is in the Blood

Chapter 12: Review